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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Arts

Faculty Members


Associate Professor, Department Chair
K.R. Hull, ARCT (Toronto), BA (Waterloo), BMus, MMus (Western Ontario), MA (General Theological Seminary), PhD (Princeton)

Professor, Undergraduate Officer
L.J. Enns, ARCT (Toronto), BSM (Canadian Mennonite Bible College), BMus (Wilfrid Laurier), MMus, PhD (Northwestern)

Distinguished Professor Emeritus
W. Maust, BS (Eastern Mennonite College), BMus (Peabody Conservatory), MMus, PhD (Indiana)

Associate Professor 
L. Gray, BMus (Western Ontario), MA (UBC), PhD (Yale) 
C.A. Weaver, BMus, MMus, DMus (Indiana)

Sessional Lecturer
B. Bolt-Martin, BMus (Wilfrid Laurier), MMus (Western Ontario)
C. Bauman, BMus (Wilfrid Laurier), MMus (Temple), BEd (Western Ontario)
J. Brownell, BFA, MA, PhD (York)
R. Cunningham, BMus (Toronto)
N. Kidd, BMus (Western Ontario), Bed (Toronto)
D. Lacoste, ARCT, BMus (Wilfrid Laurier), MA, PhD (Western Ontario)
C. McKittrick, BMus (Wilfrid Laurier), MMus (UBC)
C. Robertson, BMus (Queens), MMus (Western Ontario), LRAM, ARCT; Piano 
R. Shantz, MA (Western Ontario)
S. Thorburn, BMus (McGill), MA, PhD (Toronto)
M. Wood
S. Wood, BMus, MA (McMaster), Bed (Brock)

Studio Instructor
N. Brickman, Licentiate (McGill), MMus (Manhattan School of Music); Horn
J. Castello, MMus (Northwestern); Trombone
G. Greer, BMus (Toronto); Double Bass
J. Helmers, BMus (Queens), MMus (Indiana); Cello
B. Kaplanek, MA (K. Szymanowski Academy, Poland); Flute
S. Kramer, BMus (Wilfrid Laurier); Voice
D. Lacoste, BMus (Wilfrid Laurier), ARCT, MA, PhD (Western Ontario); Trumpet
F. Levene, BMus (Juilliard); Oboe
J. Maness, BMus (Toronto); Tuba
L. Melsted; Violin
W. Moolenbeek, BSc, MSc (Guelph); Saxophone
M. Nagtegaal, BMus (Manitoba), MMus (Western Ontario), UM Diploma; Organ
K. Ramessar; Guitar
C. Robertson, BMus (Queens), MMus (Western Ontario), LRAM, ARCT; Piano
E. Sweeney, BMus (McGill), MMus (Toronto); Clarinet
C. Vlajk, BMus (Colorado), MMus (Wisconsin); Viola
M. Wood; Percussion

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
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200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo