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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Arts

Faculty Members

Independent Studies

Associate Professor, Director
S. Wismer,1,2 BA (Western Ontario), MEduc (OISE), PhD (Waterloo)

Academic Advisors

Associate Professor
M.W. Elmitt,4,5 National Diploma in Design (High Wycombe), Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture 
R.H. Holmes,3,6 BA, MA (Montana), PhD (Washington, St. Louis), Professor Emeritus, Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award, Department of Philosophy

Adjunct Associate Professor
W.R. Abbott,3,6 BA (Kenyon College), PhD (The Ohio State University), Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy
A.I. Dagg, BA, MA (Toronto), PhD (Waterloo),  Professor Emerita 

Academic Board Members

Professor, Independent Studies Academic Board Chair
M.E. Havitz, BA, MA (Michigan State), PhD (Texas A&M); Applied Health Sciences, Recreation and Leisure Studies

G.D. Stubley, BASc (Waterloo), MASc (Stanford), PhD (Waterloo; Engineering Mechanical and Mechantronics; Recipient of the Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, PEng

Associate Professor
I. McKillop, DipBusAdm (Laurier), BIS, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), J.W. Graham Research Chair in Health Information Systems
A. McMurry, BSc (Laurier), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Indiana), Associate Chair and Undergraduate and Cooperative Education Officer
B.A. Moffatt, BSc (Guelph), PhD (Toronto), Undergraduate Officer; Science, Biology; Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award

Assistant Professor
S. Wolfe, BA (Guelph), MA (Toronto), PhD (Guelph); Environment, Environment and Resource Studies

Faculty Members of Independent Studies holding cross and/or joint appointments to:
1 Environment and Resource Studies
2 School of Planning

Faculty Members holding cross and/or joint appointments to Independent Studies from:
3 Arts
4 Engineering
5 School of Architecture
6 Philosophy

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo