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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Arts

Faculty Members


Professor, Department Chair
J.B. Burbidge, BA, PhD (McGill)

Lecturer, Associate Chair, Undergraduate Affairs 
E. Lau, BA (Toronto), MA (Manchester, England)

Associate Professor, Associate Chair, Graduate Affairs
L.A. Busch, BSc (Victoria), MA, PhD (Western Ontario)

Distinguished Professor Emeritus
M.C. Howard, BA, MA (Lancaster), PhD (Leicester)

J.E. Cuenca, LIC (Madrid), MA (Western Michigan), PhD (Toronto)
R.C. Kumar, BStat, MStat (Indian Statistical Institute), MA, PhD (Toronto)
T.T. Nguyen, BSc, ChE (California, Berkeley), MA (Simon Fraser), PhD (Western Ontario)

Associate Professor
E. Carvalho, BA, MA, PhD (Waterloo), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
L.J. Curtis, Nursing Diploma (Durham College), BSc (Trent), MA, PhD (McMaster), Canada Research Chair in Health Economics
J. DeJuan, BSc (De LaSalle), MSc (Illinois), MA Stat, PhD (North Carolina State)
M.C. Insley, BA (Calgary), MA (Alberta), PhD (Guelph)
A. Sen, BA (Delhi), MA (Concordia), PhD (Toronto)

Assistant Professor
M. Blume-Kohout, BA (Williams College), MS (California, Berkeley), PhD (Pardee RAND Graduate School)
H. Huang, BA (Tsinghua), MA, PhD (Western Ontario)
M. Doyle, BA, MA (McMaster), PhD (British Columbia)
J.P. Lam, BSc (Hull, England), MA, PhD (McMaster)
S. Lluis, MSc (Mathématiques Appliquées et Sc. Sociales, Univ. Paris 7 et Panthéon-Sorbonne, France), MSc, PhD (Montréal)
A-D. Nimubona, BA (Université du Burundi), MSci, PhD (HEC Montréal - Montréal)
M. Packalen, MSocSci, LicSocSci (Helsinki), PhD (Stanford)
E. Piérard, BSc (Québec à Montréal), MA (McMaster)
J. Redekop, BSc (Victoria), MA, PhD (Toronto), PhD (Waterloo)
H. Rus,1 BA (Babes-Bolyai), MA (Central European University), MA (York), PhD (UBC)
K. Rybczynski, BSc (Georgetown), MA (Waterloo)
M. Skuterud, BA (McMaster), MA (British Columbia), PhD (McMaster)
D. Xu, BA (CTBU - China), MA (Windsor), PhD (Western Ontario)

Adjunct Professor
R. Kerton, BComm (Toronto), MA (Carleton), PhD (Duke)
J.A. Brox, BA (Toronto), MA, PhD (McMaster)

Adjunct Associate Professor
L. Smith, BA, MA (Waterloo), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award

Adjunct Assistant Professor
H. Huang, BA (Tsinghua), MA, PhD (Western Ontario)

G. Malleck,2 MBA (Queen's)
C. Van de Waal, BA, MA (Waterloo)
M. Vaughan, BA (McMaster), MA (Waterloo)

Faculty members of Economics holding joint appointment with: 
1 Political Science 

Faculty members of Economics holding cross appointments to: 
2 Management Studies

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo