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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Arts

Faculty Members

French Studies/Études Françaises

Professor, Department Chair
F. Paré, BA (Montreal), PhD (SUNY, Buffalo), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award

Associate Professor, Graduate Officer
T. Collington, BA, MA (McMaster), PhD (Toronto)

Professor, Undergraduate Officer
G. Poirier, BA (Laval), MA, PhD (McGill)

A.M. Miraglia, BA, MA, PhD (Toronto) (on leave)
G. Niccoli, BA, MA, PhD (British Columbia), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award, J
P.G. Socken, BA (Toronto), MA (Iowa), PhD (Toronto)

Associate Professor
C. McWebb, BA, MA, PhD (Western Ontario)

Assistant Professor
C. Dubeau, BA, MA, PhD (Laval)
S. Kaminskaïa, BA, MA (Minsk), PhD (Western Ontario) (on leave)
K. Lappin-Fortin, BA (York-Glendon), MA (Toronto), PhD (Montreal), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award, J

Language Instructor
H. McLenaghan, Licence en Phil. Rom. (Brussels), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Western Ontario)
T. Sabaryn, Licence ès lettres (Toulouse), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
C. Tremblay, BA, MA (Laval)

Stéphanie Roesler, Licence lettres modernes, MA (Sorbonne - Paris IV), PhD (McGill)
K. Tsedryk, BA (Minsk), MA (Western Ontario)

Adjunct Associate Professor
M.-C. Gomez-Géraud, Doctorat d'État (Paris-Ouest, Nanterre)
G. Moyal, BA (McGill), MA, PhD (Toronto),
D. Porreca, BA (Waterloo), MA (Toronto), PhD (London)
D.W. Russell, BA, MA, PhD (Toronto)
R.W. Ryan, BA, MA (Dalhousie), Doctorat de 3e cycle (Provence), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
M. Sweedler, B.A. (Binghamton), D.E.A. (Paris VIII), PhD (Emory)

J Primary Association is with St. Jerome's University

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo