A Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies Option is available to students pursuing any type of General degree at UW who would like some specialization in this field of study.
The Option requires successful completion of at least five academic course units (ten courses) in SMF and SMF approved courses, with a minimum cumulative average of 65%, including:
- five required courses:
- five approved courses:
- one course from either of the following areas:
- four additional courses from the balance of those courses listed in Points 1 and 2 above and the following SMF and SMF approved courses: ANTH 261; ENGL 108E, 208C, 208E, 217; GERON/HLTH 220; HIST 108, 213, 313; ITALST 111; PHIL 201, 202; PSYCH 235; RS 180, 324; SMF 404, 406, 408, 460; SOC 200, 206, 209, 275; one of SOCWK 355R, 357R, 390A, 390B; WS 101
Some of the required courses have prerequisites that students are recommended to take in their first year. Consult the calendar description for each course.
Students are encouraged to discuss their electives with the Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies Academic Advisor.
SMF 204 and PSYCH 236 are antirequisites; students are not permitted to take both courses for credit towards their degree.
SMF 306 and PSYCH 354 are antirequisites; students are not permitted to take both courses for credit towards their degree.
No one course may fulfill more than one requirement within any Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies plan.
Further Information
Contact the Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies Academic Advisor, St. Jerome's University, smf@sju.uwaterloo.ca.