Paul Berg Memorial Award
One or more awards, valued at up to $1,000, may be awarded annually to undergraduate students in second year or above who demonstrate their involvement in extracurricular music activities on campus, and who have attained at least a B average or second class standing during their most recently preceding term of studies. The awards are made possible by the friends of Paul Berg, Director of the University Centre of the Arts, 1960-1975, and conductor of the Schneider Male Chorus, 1942-1975. Applications must be submitted by October 31st each year.
Doreen Brisbin Award
An award, valued at $1,000, is awarded annually to a female student entering Year Four of an Honours program in which women are currently underrepresented. Currently these programs include all Engineering programs, most Mathematics programs, Physics, Chemistry, and Economics, but are subject to change as the student population changes. Eligibility will be based on academic standing and demonstration of a sincere interest in and commitment to the area of study in which the student is enrolled. Interested third-year female students should apply by April 30th. This fund is made possible by donations from friends and colleagues of Dr. Brisbin in recognition of her contributions as a former Chemistry professor and an Honorary Member of the University.
JR Coutts International Experience Awards
Several awards, valued at $2,000 each, are available each year for undergraduate students in any Faculty who wish to participate in an international work or study experience and who are in good academic standing. Interested students should apply by March 31st each year.
JR Coutts "Students Without Borders" Awards
Several awards, valued at $2,500 each, are available each year for undergraduate students in any Faculty who wish to participate in a "students without borders" initiative. Selection is based on strong academic achievement with preference going to students who demonstrate a willingness to work in a third-world country. Interested students should apply by March 31st each year.
C.U.P.E. Local 793 Award
Awards, each valued at $500 or more, are given annually to students who are either a C.U.P.E. Local 793 union employee, a spouse of a C.U.P.E. Local 793 union employee or a child or grandchild of a C.U.P.E. Local 793 union employee and who are involved in and contribute to community activities, have achieved a B average, and may have demonstrated financial need. Applicants should complete and submit the special application form for this award and the "Union Award Validation Form" (available from the Union Local Office, GSC 120) to the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office prior to the study term, by July 15, November 15, or March 15.
Governor General's Academic Medal
The Governor General of Canada provides three silver medals annually to the undergraduate students graduating with the highest academic standing.
Husky Injection Molding Systems Scholarship
One scholarship, with a total value of tuition, Co-op fees and incidental fees for one academic year, is awarded to an outstanding Co-op student entering Year Two, Three, or Four who has worked for Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. for at least one work-term. Selection criteria includes a minimum academic achievement of 75% or above, leadership abilities as demonstrated by involvement in and/or contributions to extracurricular activities.
Jim Kalbfleisch Award
An award, valued at up to $1,500, is awarded annually to an undergraduate student enrolled in Year Two, Three, or Four of any program in any Faculty who has achieved a minimum overall average of 75% and who has demonstrated their involvement in student government at UW. Interested students should submit an application by October 15th. This fund is made possible by a donation from Jim Kalbfleisch and his friends and family in honour of his retirement.
Rosemary LeBlanc Memorial Award
An award, valued at $1000, will be presented annually to an undergraduate student living in any UW Residence building, who has demonstrated a commitment to improving the quality of life for students. Selection will be made by UW Housing, Residence Life and Food Service staff. No application is required. The award is sponsored by UW Food Services in memory of Rosemary LeBlanc, a long-term employee who committed her career to the service of students.
James D. Leslie Prize
The James D. Leslie Prize is awarded to a student who has achieved a first-class standing and who has earned at least half of the credits for the undergraduate degree through distance education courses at the University of Waterloo. Graduates from both Spring and Fall convocation ceremonies are candidates for the Prize, which is awarded at Fall convocation. Recipients receive a certificate and a financial award. The Prize is named for James D. Leslie, a professor of Physics at the University of Waterloo, who conceived and initiated the Correspondence (Distance Education) program.
J. Lorette Award
An award, valued at $1,000, is awarded annually to an undergraduate student enrolled in Year Two, Three, or Four at the University of Waterloo, who has a minimum cumulative average of 75%, has worked a minimum of two terms in the UW Call Centre, and is in good standing as a current employee of the UW Call Centre. Candidates must also show an affinity for volunteer work on campus and/or in the K-W community. The fund is made possible by a donation from Jennifer Lorette to recognize the outstanding contributions and academic achievement among UW Call Centre student callers.
NSERC Undergraduate Research Award tenable at the University of Waterloo
University undergraduate student research awards are intended to stimulate the interest of undergraduate students in research by providing them with valuable experience in a university laboratory, and to encourage these students to undertake graduate studies. These awards are valued at a minimum of $1,125.00 per month for 3 or 4 months. Applications and information are available from the University of Waterloo Graduate Studies Office or from the Department Undergraduate Secretary.
Robert Schaefer Memorial Award
An award, valued at $1000, will be presented annually to an undergraduate student, living in any UW Residence building, who has demonstrated a commitment to improving the quality of life for students. Selection will be made by UW Housing, Residence Life and Food Service staff. No application is required. The award is sponsored by UW Food Services in memory of Robert Schaefer, a long-term employee who committed his career to the service of students.
University of Waterloo Alumni Gold Medals
University of Waterloo Alumni provide a maximum of six gold medals annually to be awarded in recognition of academic excellence. Each medal will be awarded on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty. The medals may be awarded, at either the Spring or Fall Convocation, as follows: one each to a student in each of the six Faculties of the University who has demonstrated outstanding academic performance on completion of an undergraduate degree.
University of Waterloo Staff Association Award
The University of Waterloo Staff Association has made available three awards valued at $500 each. These awards are provided to deserving full- or part-time undergraduate students in a degree program at the University of Waterloo in each of the Winter, Spring, and Fall terms. A recipient must be a current member of the University of Waterloo Staff Association or be the child, spouse, grandchild, or dependent of a current Staff Association member. The recipient must have good academic standing and will have demonstrated involvement with volunteer organization(s) and/or extracurricular activities. Financial need may be considered in the selection process. Applications are available from the Staff Association Office, DC.
Douglas T. Wright Award
Members of the University community, to honour Douglas T. Wright upon his retirement as President of the University and to recognize his contribution to the University's international reputation, have established awards valued at up to $1,500 each. All full-time, undergraduate students who have participated in a University of Waterloo Co-op international work placement and who have a minimum overall average of 75% may apply. Candidates, during the foreign experience, will have distinguished themselves in their Co-op work-term placement and may have demonstrated leadership qualities as indicated through extracurricular activities. The evaluation for the international work placement must be "outstanding." Second-, third-, or fourth-year students will apply in the term they return to full-time study at the University of Waterloo. Application deadlines are February 15, June 15, and October 15 each year.
Tom York Memorial Award
The Tom York Memorial Award was established in memory of Dr. Thomas L. York (1940-88), writer, scholar, adventurer, and pastor, who served the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University as Chaplain from 1985 until his death. The award will be given for short fiction, not essays. Undergraduate or graduate students in any faculty, program or year, full- or part-time, may apply for this award by sending an item of prose unpublished, to TYMA Selection Committee, St. Paul's United College, Westmount Road, North, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G5. Application deadline is December 31 each year.