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Awards and Financial Aid

Entrance Scholarships and Awards

Entrance Scholarships and Awards

University of Waterloo President's and Merit Scholarships

Students admitted to full-time first-year studies at the University of Waterloo who have an admission average of 85% or higher based on marks available in mid-May, including marks for required courses for the program to which the student has been admitted, will receive one of the following scholarships:

  • President’s Scholarship of Distinction – admission average of 95% or higher. Students will receive a $2,000 entrance scholarship as well as an opportunity for a $1,500 International Experience Award and a $1,500 Research Award to be used in upper-year studies.
  • President’s Scholarship – admission average of 90% -94.9%. Students will receive a $2,000 entrance scholarship.
  • Merit Scholarship – admission average of 85% - 89.9%. Students will receive a $1,000 entrance scholarship.

Additional eligibility criteria and information can be found on the Prospective Students website at

Other Entrance Scholarships

The University also administers a substantial number of entrance scholarships which are generously supported by alumni, private donors, and corporations. The majority of these are awarded on the basis of specific admission and/or scholarship criteria established by the Faculty/School to which the student has been admitted. For example, performance on the various UW special contests are important considerations in administering entrance scholarships in Mathematics, Physics, and Software Engineering as follows:

Students must write the Euclid Mathematics Contest.

It is strongly recommended that students write the Sir Isaac Newton Physics Contest.

Software Engineering
It is strongly recommended that students write the Euclid Mathematics Contest.

Additional specific scholarship criteria, if applicable, is noted in the award descriptions found under each of the following Faculty categories. Unless otherwise noted, an application for admission to the University will suffice as an application for any entrance scholarship for which the student is eligible.

Provincial and Federal Loan policies state that scholarships, awards, and bursaries provided to students receiving Provincial and/or Federal Student Loans, could reduce the loan entitlements. Please contact the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office if further clarification is required.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567