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Awards and Financial Aid

Upper-Year Bursaries and Awards

Faculty of Environmental Studies

Shelley Ellison Memorial Award

One award, valued at up to $300, is made to a third-year Planning student who has maintained a B average, has financial need, and can document a commitment to Professional Planning and to the spirit of friendship within the School. Preference will be given to female applicants. A special application is required by November 30th.

Environmental Studies Undergraduate Student Opportunity Trust Fund

The Environmental Studies Undergraduate Student Opportunity Trust Fund makes available funds to assist academically qualified students experiencing financial difficulties. The fund is made possible by donations from interested donors and by a matching grant from the Province of Ontario. Eligible students must have resided in Ontario for 12 months prior to beginning their post-secondary education.

Robert M. Irving Bursary

A bursary fund has been established in memory of Robert M. Irving, the first chair of the Geography Department. One bursary will be awarded annually to a full-time third- or fourth-year Geography student who is experiencing financial difficulties and maintaining a B average.

Lorne H. Russwurm Memorial Award

This award has been established in memory of Lorne Russwurm, an internationally known researcher and Professor of Geography 1967-1987. Professor Russwurm was highly regarded by students for his excellence as a teacher and advisor until his death in January 1987. One or more awards valued at a minimum of $600 will be made to recipient(s) who will normally be undergraduate geography students entering second, third, or fourth year who began studies as a mature student, have an above average academic standing, and who have demonstrated a need for financial assistance. Consideration may also be given to mature graduate students and to undergraduate Geography students in general. Preference will be given to persons who have actively participated in student, community, or other organizations. Interested students should apply on a University of Waterloo Award Application form by October 31 each year.

Jack Young Bursary

A bursary fund has been established in honour of Jack Young, the first Chair of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, to assist full-time undergraduate and/or graduate students in the School of Planning. Funds will be allocated based on financial need and a minimum major average of 70%. A portion of the funds is restricted to students who have resided in Ontario for 12 months prior to the beginning of their post-secondary education.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567