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Study and/or Work in Germany

The Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies encourages students to participate in a study and/or work abroad program in Germany or Austria offered through our department or Waterloo International.

As early as during their first spring semester, students may participate in the Waterloo Summer School in Mannheim, Germany. During the five-week program, students will earn the equivalent of three second-year University of Waterloo language and culture courses. Housing and cultural activities will be provided for a nominal fee by our partners at the University of Mannheim. Students may wish to extend their stay in Mannheim to combine this language program with the English-language Mannheim Summer School of the Humanities offered in August.

From the range of programs designed for students entering their second or third year of university study offered through Waterloo International, our students typically choose to go to Mannheim, Bamberg, or Graz. Students usually need to have three semesters of university-level German or equivalent before they go. Students should normally complete five courses per term during their stay in Mannheim or Bamberg, adding up to 2.5 academic course units per semester. Approved German courses completed on exchange can fulfill electives and requirements for all German academic plans. Other departments may grant students credits upon approval as well. Students who are accepted into the exchange program may apply for scholarships and bursaries.

Students in their third or fourth year of study may be interested in the following opportunities:  

Canadian Summer School in Germany

Students spend seven weeks in Germany taking language courses at Kassel University and living with a German family. These courses can be credited to University of Waterloo by obtaining a Letter of Permission Form before leaving. Open to all students.

The Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD) Program

Students spend a year teaching English at a German high school after having obtained their Bachelor's of Arts (BA). This program is open to graduating students in any discipline. Students do not have to be a German major, but do need to have a good command of German.

Youth Mobility

This program supports initiatives of students who want to work in Germany and also assists students with work permits and visas.

GER 407 - Applied Apprenticeship

A course for students interested in a career in international business. 

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The German national agency for the support of international academic cooperation which offers programs and funding for students, faculty, researchers, and others in higher education, provides financial support to over 55,000 individuals per year.

For for information and application deadlines, please contact the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567