This specialization trains planning students to develop or redevelop land in communities. Land development planners practice in complex, high-profile and often contentious decision-making environments. To be effective practitioners in this planning context, students acquire a good working knowledge of land use planning regulations, planning law, policy, and land development issues. Graduates with this specialization would be ready to work in the land development industry, municipal planning, or private planning practice.
Required Courses:
PLAN 103 Planning, Administration, and Finance
ENVS 201 Introduction to Environmental and Planning Law
PLAN 233 People and Plans
PLAN 261 Urban and Metropolitan Planning and Development
PLAN 401* Planners and Planning Tribunals
PLAN 483 Land Development Planning
2.0 units of Elective Courses:
PLAN 320 Economic Analyses for Regional Planning
PLAN 349 Urban Form and Internal Spatial Structure
PLAN 362 Regional Planning and Economic Development
PLAN 450* Changing Form and Structure of Metropolitan Canada
PLAN 471 Planning Law
PLAN 484 Physical Infrastructure & Planning
PLAN 490* Senior Honours Essay
*course is worth 1.0 unit