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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Environment

School of Planning


The main goal of the School of Planning at Waterloo is to produce a comprehensive planner who has the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for professional practice in a wide variety of private and public sector areas or for further post graduate study in planning or several related areas. These skills include the life-long ability to acquire and sustain new knowledge and techniques that will continue to emerge long after graduation.

The emphasis of the curriculum is on planning as a process, conceived in broad terms to include policy-making, research, and decision-making. The subject focus is both regional and local; that is, the integrated planning of regions, large and small. It includes urban-centred or core regions and rural components. The policy emphasis includes environmental, economic, and social issues typical of the Canadian scene, where development and problems of human adjustment are in the forefront.

To implement this approach, the School of Planning has gathered a team of faculty with diverse academic and practical planning experience.

The broad aim of the School is to prepare the student for active participation in the planning process and membership in the profession. This approach gives equal emphasis to the "why" and "how" of planning and requires that a style be adopted that strives for a continuum between classroom and field experience, between planning studies and related disciplines, and between academic studies and future professional practice. Realizing this concept requires integration of selected elements from geography, social sciences, and pure and applied sciences. For this purpose, the School of Planning has been located in a Faculty with an interdisciplinary approach to a wide range of contemporary issues.

The program prepares students for a wide variety of professional or graduate work in urban planning, regional planning, and resource development. Courses on the theory, methods, and philosophy of planning provide an integrating framework. The student is also given an opportunity to pursue a special interest in economic, social, and ecological issues in planning, or in planning methodology and urban design. This is done through the selection of elective courses and the pursuit of options, specializations, or minors.

The Faculty of Environment expects that students are able to demonstrate effective communication and proficiency in written English. Accordingly, all incoming students are required to write the English Language Proficiency Examination (ELPE) during their first term of enrollment (normally scheduled during the first week in December). Students must satisfy the ELPE requirement before the end of their 2B term or the decision "May Not Proceed" will be assigned.

The co-operative stream provides for alternative terms of practical work experience and academic study and has competitive limited enrollment. Students are admitted to the co-op stream at time of admission. The first of four work-terms is in the Spring of second year. A work-term report is required upon completion of each work-term and these must be graded as "satisfactory" in order to graduate. All reports must be submitted to the School for evaluation. Inquiries regarding co-operative studies should be directed to the Department of Co-operative Education and Career Services.

The regular stream encourages students to actively seek work experience during the summer months of their second and third years.

Additional Information

The School of Planning program is recognized by the Canadian Institute of Planners and an increasing number of employers as a satisfactory preparation for a wide range of careers.


1. Academic Standing
Students must obtain a minimum cumulative overall average of 65%, and 70% (75% for co-op students) in their major average in Planning (PLAN) and Environmental Studies (ENVS) courses throughout the four years of their academic plan. In order to proceed to subsequent years, students must also obtain minimum courses/units as follows: Year One: ten courses (5.0 units); Year Two: 20 courses (10.0 units); Year Three: 30 courses (15.0 units); Year Four: 40 courses (20.0 units).

Students may be granted conditional standing at the discretion of the School, which permits a student to proceed to a subsequent year on a conditional basis. Should the student be permitted to continue on the basis of "conditional" due to average and/or course standing, and if, subsequently, the required averages are not met this second time (term) or course deficiencies not cleared, withdrawal from Planning will be required.

Students who are admitted to the co-op stream in Year One must achieve and maintain a cumulative major average of 75% (PLAN and ENVS courses) in order to remain in co-op. Students not admitted to co-op in Year One may be eligible to apply in November in the fall term of second year, provided they have a minimum cumulative major average of 75% or higher. Selection will be based on space available and highest grades.

2. Course Load
Students are expected to carry a minimum load of five courses (2.5 units) in each term. Students interested in taking a higher load require approval from the Undergraduate Advisor.

3. First-Year Courses
No more than ten courses (5.0 units) at the first-year level will be allowed toward the 40 courses (20.0 units) required to graduate.

4. Transfer Students
External (outside UW)
It is possible for students to apply for advanced standing, gaining admission to Year Two. Advanced standing may be obtained through the transfer of courses/units from accredited post-secondary institutions. Credit will be granted for up to a maximum of ten courses (5.0 units). All transfer students are required to complete a minimum of three full academic years before being eligible for graduation.

Internal (within UW)
Internal transfer students may transfer a maximum of ten elective courses (5.0 units) plus any Planning core courses they have taken at UW up to a maximum of 20 courses (10.0 units) total towards their degree requirement.

All students admitted to Planning with advanced standing must have their course selection for each year approved by the Undergraduate Advisor.

5. Co-op Work Term Sequence
Planning students will begin their work terms after 2B in the spring term of second year. Following that, there will be three additional alternating work/study terms for a total of four work terms.

Co-op students in the Faculty of Environment are required to complete a minimum of five Professional Development courses, including an introductory course (PD-1) that must be taken prior to the first work term. At least two other of the Professional Development courses must cover non-technical skills. Other than the initial course, these courses are normally taken during co-op work terms. Students are encouraged to take a professional-development course each work term until the requirement is met.

6. Double Counting
A course can be used to satisfy requirements for a maximum of two credentials. Normally, a student may not double-count any course for more than one option, minor, diploma, or specialization. Students must declare the specialization on their Intent to Graduate - Undergraduate Studies form. There is no limit on the number of courses that may be double counted.

7. Joint Honours and Minors
The School does not offer a Joint Honours plan to other departments. However, Planning students are encouraged to participate in Joint Honours, minors, or options offered by other departments. Students choosing minors should refer to the regulations of those departments. Satisfying minor requirements may require more than the normal number of academic terms. See other faculty and department sections in this calendar regarding minors available.

8. Diplomas and Options
A number of Diplomas and Options are available to Planning students including:

Diploma of Ecological Restoration and Rehabilitation
Diploma of Excellence in GIS
Environmental Assessment Diploma
Geomatics Option
International Development Option
Knowledge Integration Option

Parks Option
Sustainable Local Economic Development Option
Tourism Option
UW/WLU Business Option

For more information, please refer to the Faculty of Environment Handbook at .

9. Oxford Brookes University Elective Course
PLAN 480 - Theory and Practice of Planning in the U.K. (Oxford): This elective course is offered to third-year Planning students and is conducted at Oxford Brookes University, Oxford , England. Because much planning theory and practice in Canada has drawn on U.K. roots, PLAN 480 has been developed to give students a first-hand experience of planning in the U.K. Large scale urban design in the 18th Century, the growth of the New Towns movement from its beginning in the late 19th Century to the present day, and central area redevelopment following large scale bomb damage during World War II are given special attention through seminars and field trips. Waterloo students also work on specific projects with British students. During free time, the students have the opportunity for travel in U.K. and Europe and there is an opportunity to remain in U.K. following the Oxford course for further travel.

10. Undergraduate Planning Manual
A number of important guidelines and regulations are available online in the Undergraduate Planning Manual at Areas covered include: academic standing, admission, certificates, co-op, courses, English Language Proficiency Requirements (ELPE), Joint Honours/minors/options, Oxford, leave-of-absence, senior honours essay, teaching assistants, etc. Students are expected to refer to this manual in all matters concerning academic conduct.

11. The School reserves the right to make changes to the curriculum as necessary.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo