Environmental Planning and Management is for students intending to integrate ecology and environmental management into their career plans. It is intended for those with an urban focus as well as for students with rural, resource hinterland, or park planning interests.
Required Courses:
ENVS 200 Field Ecology
PLAN 340 Ecology-Based Policy-Making
PLAN 341 Conservation/Resource Management of the Built Environment
2.0 units of Elective Courses:
PLAN 432 Health, Environment, and Planning
PLAN 440 Waste Planning
PLAN 452 Policy Analysis for Planners
PLAN 453 Urban Stormwater Management
PLAN 490* Senior Honours Essay
ENVS 401 Environmental Law
ENVS 469* Landscape Ecology, Restoration & Rehabilitation
ERS 484 Soil in the Environment
GEOG 405 Wetlands
*course is worth 1.0 unit