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Science Academic Plans


Honours Co-operative Chemistry (Materials Chemistry Specialization)
Advisor: Dr. C. Bissonnette (Chemistry)

In order to graduate in Honours Co-operative Chemistry (Materials Chemistry Specialization), a student must meet all of the requirements of the Honours Co-op Chemistry plan, plus the additional requirements outlined below. For students studying in the co-op format, find detailed information on co-op program requirements in the Co-operative Education and Career Action section of the undergraduate calendar and in the Faculty of Science work term report Guidelines.
  1. Three of the technical electives in this program must be chosen from CHEM 370, CHEM 410, PHYS 335, NE 125, NE 226, NE 335.
  2. The senior year research project (CHEM 494A/CHEM 494B) must involve a project related to materials chemistry, as approved by the Chemistry Undergraduate Advisor.


Not all of the courses offered in the CHEM 410 series (Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry) can be counted towards the Specialization in Materials Chemistry.  See the Undergraduate Officer for more information about which courses can be counted.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567