Effective with the 2009 calendar year, T2202A Certificates will no longer be mailed to students.
Students may view and print an official T2202A Tuition, Education and Textbook Amount Certificate by visiting their Finances section on Quest. Select Finances, then My Account, then Tax Receipts. If you cannot access your Quest account, please contact Quest Help at quest@uwaterloo.ca. T2202A’s for the Winter, Spring and Fall terms occurring during the previous calendar year will be available on Quest by mid-February. If you did not request a refund for the Endowment Fund contributions paid as part of your term Incidental Fees, you will also have access to a Charitable Donations receipt for your contributions during the year.
You do not need to submit a printed copy of your T2202A form with your tax return, even if you transfer the amount to a parent. You only need a printed copy of your T2202A if one is requested by the Canada Revenue Agency as part of a formal audit.
For an explanation of how T2202A amounts are calculated, see below:
- The amount indicated on the form includes charges for Tuition, Student Services, Can Copy, Imprint, Co-op and Work Report Marking Fees (if applicable.)
- If you lived in a residence at a designated Ontario university, college or private school residence, you can claim only $25 as your occupancy cost for the part of the year you lived in such a residence. The University does not issue tax receipts for residence fees.
Regarding T2202A receipts for years prior to 2009:
Students or former students who require tax receipts for years prior to 2009 may request the forms by sending an e-mail to sfaccnts@uwaterloo.ca. In the subject line of your e-mail, please enter the year of the tax receipt that you are requesting. Please note that we cannot send tax information by e-mail.
University of Waterloo is required to provide T2202A information to all students to enable them to complete their Canadian tax returns. Contact a tax professional regarding whether you need to file a Canadian tax return and/or a tax return in your country of origin.
The RL-8 slip is a tax form of the Ministère du Revenu du Québec and is intended only for Quebec residents. It is available by contacting the Registrar’s Office.
T4A’s for scholarships and bursaries and tuition benefits awarded to you during the Winter, Spring and Fall terms of the previous calendar year, and T4’s for income earned from the University during the previous calendar year, are mailed separately by Human Resources. They are not available online.