For the latest undergraduate Incidental Fees, please refer to Student Accounts Information.
Note 1 – Term
Term refers to a particular four-month period of course study:
Fall Term – September to December;
Winter Term – January to April;
Spring Term – May to August.
Note 2 – Co-operative Fee
An additional fee assessed to all Co-operative program students enrolled in more than two course equivalents per term.
For information on how the Co-op Fee is determined and assessed, please see The Co-op Manual.
Note 3 – Tuition Rates for Co-op Students
Tuition for Co-op students is set at a rate of $14.00 per term higher than the corresponding rate for non-Co-op students. This additional fee will recover the academic-related costs of marking work reports and is calculated in accordance with guidelines approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
Students who have arranged fees for the normally scheduled number of academic terms, but are required to arrange fees for additional terms in order to complete their academic degree requirements are exempted from the Co-op and Work Report Marking portion of their fees for the additional terms. Please contact Finance - Student Accounts to have Co-op and Work Report Marking Fees in excess of the number required by the specific program, removed.
Note 4 – Course Fee
For the latest undergraduate course fees, refer to Student Accounts Information.
Note 5 – Study Permits
The Ontario Government has established a policy of higher tuition fees for internation students studying in Ontario on Study Permits. Please see Fees for International Students with Student Authorizations for more information.
Note 6 – CanCopy Fee
This non-refundable fee was approved by the Board of Governors in February 1995. This fee is assessed to all full-time and part-time students to recover the student-related share of the CanCopy licence fee. The CanCopy licence provides for indemnity from civil claims related to copyright laws so long as the members covered comply with the provisions of the licence. Details of the CanCopy licence are available in the Libraries, campus copy centres, and academic departments.
Note 7 – Federation of Students
Payment of the Federation of Students fee is required at registration. This fee became compulsory starting Spring term 1992.
Note 8/9 – Federation of Students - Administered Fees (Regular/Co-op)
This is a bundled fee compulsory upon registration, including charges for the following:
Supplementary Health Plan - this fee is refundable through studentcare; students may opt-out annually during the first three weeks after classes start in the Fall term, with acceptable proof of equivalent coverage, to receive a refund directly from studentcare. Winter term students who were not on academic term in the Fall may opt out during the first three weeks after classes start in the Winter term.
Dental Plan - this fee is refundable through studentcare; students may opt-out annually during the first three weeks after classes start in the Fall term to receive a refund from studentcare. Winter term students who were not on academic term in the Fall may opt out during the first three weeks after classes start in the Winter term.
Dependant coverage may be obtained on request by paying an additional fee. To enroll dependants, visit studentcare and follow the on-screen instructions for enrolments.
More information on the Supplementary Health and Dental Plans is available from studentcare or the Health and Dental Plan Office, Room 1121A in the Student Life Centre.
UPass - a non-refundable fee assessed to all full-time undergraduate students on campus granting them unlimited access to Grand River Transit services for the duration of the term. Please visit Federation of Students for more information.
Student Refugee Program - a refundable fee approved by student referendum in February 2008 to support the University of Waterloo World University Service of Canada Student Refugee Program, beginning Fall 2008. Please contact the Federation of Students in person to obtain a refund.
Note 10 – Student Co-ordinated Plan
This non-refundable fee was approved by student referendum in January 1992.
Note 11– Student Services Fee
This non-refundable fee is assessed to all full-time and part-time students in accordance with the Student Services Protocol signed in March 1994 and approved by the Board of Governors in April 1994.
Services available to the students include the Writing Centre, the Art Gallery, Health Services (some services), Safety, Student Security Services, the Ombudsperson, Athletics and Recreational Services, Centre for Career Action, Personal Counselling, and the International Student Office.
Note 12– Imprint
Imprint is the student newspaper. Payment of the Imprint fee is required at time of fee arrangement. Requests for refunds should be directed in person to the Imprint office within three (3) weeks after the start of lectures for the term involved as indicated in the Undergraduate Calendar.
Note 13– Sandford Fleming Foundation (S.F.F.)
Sandford Fleming Foundation is an organization dedicated to the development of co-operative engineering education. This fee applies to Engineering and Software Engineering students only and payment is required at time of fee arrangement. Requests for refunds should be directed in person to the on-campus Sandford Fleming Foundation office, within three (3) weeks after the start of lectures for the term as indicated in the Undergraduate Calendar.
Note 14– Faculty of Science Foundation Fee
This fee applies to Science students including Optometry and payment is required at time of fee arrangement. Refunds should be requested online at the Faculty of Science Foundation website, within three (3) weeks after the start of lectures for the term as indicated in the Undergraduate Calendar.
Note 15– WPIRG (Waterloo Public Interest Research Group)
WPIRG is a student funded environmental and social research group. Payment of the WPIRG fee is required at time of fee arrangement. Requests for refunds or questions concerning WPIRG should be directed in person to the on-campus WPIRG office within three (3) weeks after the start of lectures as indicated in the Undergraduate Calendar.
Note 16– Student Society Fees
Payment of the Society Fee is required at time of fee arrangement, but a student who does not wish to participate may obtain a refund by applying in person to the respective society within three (3) weeks after the start of lectures as indicated in the Undergraduate Calendar.
Note 17– Student Endowment Fund (Accounting, Applied Health Sciences, Arts, Engineering, Environment, Mathematics, Science)
These contributions have been established by foundations or associations controlled by students in their respective academic plans. Proceeds will be used to update laboratory facilities, teaching equipment, or provide course enrichment not otherwise possible. Further details are available from the relevant organizations. Payment of the contribution is required at time of fee arrangement, but a student who does not wish to participate may obtain a refund by applying online at the website of the organization concerned within three (3) weeks after the start of lectures as indicated in the Undergraduate Calendar.
Note 18– Other Costs
The fees shown do not include the costs of text books, class notes, mandatory supplies, certain accommodation or other costs associated with field trips, or other miscellaneous expenses, some of which are noted below:
Miscellaneous Fees
Returned Cheques – Handling charge (plus late registration penalty as applicable)
Duplicate Tax Receipt
Replacement of lost or stolen student Photo Identification Card (WatCard)
Supplemental Examination Fee (Engineering only)
$50.00 |
NOTE: Fees, including mailing costs, for Registrar's Office forms are available on the Registrar's website at