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The Undergraduate Calendar






For the current Schedule of Due Dates, please refer to Student Accounts Information.

Student accounts may be viewed through Quest. An initial fee assessment is posted to student accounts based on the program, academic plan, term of study and courses enrolled at the time of assessment. Students are responsible to pay or make fee arrangements for the balance on their student account by the due date, to avoid being charged Late Fees. Late Fees are charged to student accounts per the schedule found in the Student Accounts Information

Changes made to the student's enrolment status, course load, housing or meal plan arrangements after the beginning of term, will be reflected in the student account.  Any additional fees owing are due at the time they are added to the account. Any credit balance resulting from changes will be refunded to students after the seventh week of term.

The University does not issue paper invoices, receipts or statements for student accounts. Students may use the "E-mail" function at the bottom of their Quest account Financial Details page to produce a statement of the account, invoice or receipt for fees paid.

Outstanding Fees and Implications

Balances which remain outstanding on student accounts and any library fines, parking fines, housing charges, or emergency loans still outstanding 60 days after the term due date will result in a hold applied to the student's account. The hold will prevent the student from accessing refunds, transcripts, diplomas and from enrolling in courses for the following term. The balance must be settled in full for the hold to be removed.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo