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The Undergraduate Calendar



School of Planning

Bachelor of Environmental Studies

Honours Planning (Regular and Co-op)

Year One

Required Planning Courses (3.0 units)
PLAN 100 The Evolution of Planning
PLAN 102 Professional Communication in Environmental Studies
PLAN 103 Planning, Administration, and Finance
PLAN 110 Visual Approaches to Design and Communication
ENVS 178 Introduction to Environmental Research Methods
ENVS 195 Introduction to Environmental Studies

Year One Elective Courses (2.0 units) 
Students must complete four elective courses (2.0 units) at the first- or second-year level in the University.

Required and elective courses together will total 10 courses (5.0 units) – all courses must be at the first- or second-year level. Before making a final selection in these courses, students must check that prerequisites have been met for courses that they might take in Years Two, Three, and Four.

Year Two

Required Planning Courses (3.0 units)
PLAN 210 Planning Design and the Environment
PLAN 233 People and Plans
PLAN 281 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
PLAN 261 Urban and Metropolitan Planning and Development
ENVS 200 Field Ecology
ENVS 278 Advanced Environmental Research Methods

Year Two Elective Courses (2.0 units)
Students must complete four elective courses (2.0 units) at the second-year level in the university.

Year Three

Required Planning Courses (2.0 units)
PLAN 300 Planning Theory
PLAN 350 Research Methods for Planners
ENVS 201 Introduction to Environmental and Planning Law
and one of:
PLAN 340 Ecology-Based Policy-Making
or PLAN 341 Conservation/Resource Management of the Built Environment
or PLAN 453 Urban Stormwater Management

Year Three Elective Courses (3.0 units)
Students must complete six elective courses (3.0 units) at the third- or fourth-year level in the University.

Year Four

Required Planning Courses (2.0 units)
PLAN 401 Planners and Planning Tribunals
PLAN 403 Professional Practice, Public and Private Administration

Year Four Elective Courses (3.0 units)
Students must complete six elective courses (3.0 units) at the third- or fourth-year level in the University.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo