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Applicants from College or University

Applicants from Bible Colleges

Applicants from Accredited Bible Colleges and from those which are Candidates for Accreditation will be considered for admission and possible transfer credits when minimum admission requirements have been met. The assignment of transfer credits to a specific degree program is at the discretion of the admitting authority of the faculty or academic department concerned. Applicants will be considered on an individual basis according to the Faculty and program guidelines below.

Programs that require mathematics courses can find details for both the old or new Ontario Grade 12 U curriculum at  

All Faculties Except Engineering and Software Engineering

Graduates of two-, three-, and four-year diploma programs must present a minimum cumulative average of B (75%) in the college program to be considered for admission to regular programs. For admission consideration to co-operative programs higher averages in the A- to A (80-85%) range are often required.

Transfer credit is a function of academic years completed and is granted according to the policy of faculty and program to which admission is granted. A grade of B- (70%) or better is required in individual, transferable courses. No credit is given for professional courses such as education, pastoral counselling, homiletics, or for courses deemed to be doctrinal in nature. As much as 2.5 units (5 term courses) may be awarded for each year completed at an Accredited Bible College (2.0 units for Candidates for Accreditation) up to the maximum allowable for each individual faculty or program. A maximum of 3.0 units (6 term courses) in Religious Studies can be transferred. Applicants are expected to support their application with appropriate course descriptions.

Engineering and Software Engineering

Applicants to the Faculty of Engineering who have attended an Accredited Bible College or a Candidate for Accreditation will be considered for admission, normally to the 1A term. Courses offered at Bible Colleges are generally not relevant to Engineering admission decisions.

All admissions to Engineering are based on the required Ontario Grade 12 U (or equivalent) courses, plus one other Grade 12 U or M course. These courses must have been completed within two to three years of applying to Engineering. Otherwise, applicants may be asked to repeat some or all of the required courses before being considered for admission.

Several non-technical courses (Complementary Studies Electives) are a required component of the Engineering degree. Course exemptions for some of these electives will be considered on a case-by-case basis. A review of the level and content of the Bible College course may be undertaken in order to evaluate it as an acceptable fulfillment of the non-technical component of the Engineering degree. If the course meets the requirements specified by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board, a course exemption may be awarded; however, any course exempted must be replaced by another course since all Engineering students must carry a full course load each term.

All admissions to Architecture are based on the required Ontario Grade 12 U (or equivalent) courses, plus two other U or M courses. Grade 11 or 12 Art and History are strongly recommended. College level courses are not transferable to the School of Architecture.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo