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Arts Academic Plans


Specialization in Business and Technology

The Business and Technology specialization allows students in Sociology to develop a concentration of courses in the sociological analysis of aspects of the worlds of business and technology, that will be noted on their degree transcript.
Open to any student doing either a Four-Year General or an Honours Sociology degree.


  1. Successful completion of four academic course units (eight courses), including:
    • at least six courses from:
      SOC 232 Technology and Social Change
      SOC 234 Symbolic Interaction: The Study of Human Knowing and Acting
      SOC 241 Introduction to the Sociology of Work
      SOC 243 Occupational Sociology
      SOC 312 Sociology of Science
      SOC 336 Sociology of Professions
      SOC 339 The Knowledge Society and Waterloo Region
      SOC 340 Sociology of Organizations
      SOC 345 Cyberspace and Social Life
      SOC 354 Comparative Health Care Systems
      SOC 459 Sociology of Work and Occupations
    • and the remaining courses from:
      SOC 206 Gender Relations
      SOC 207 Sociology of Education
      SOC 246 Mass Communication
      SOC 250 Contemporary Japanese Society
      SOC 253 Demographic Change in Canada
      SOC 414 Power, Persuasion, and Management
      SOC 417 Liberal Arts Education and Knowledge Society
      SOC 421 Quantitative Methods
      SOC 498 Directed Studies (in a topic related to business and technology and approved by the Department)

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo