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Arts Academic Plans

Social Development Studies

Diploma/Certificate in Social Work Studies

Renison University College confers a Diploma of General Studies in Social Work and, as a supplement to the diploma, a Certificate in Studies of Child Abuse. Courses which make up these academic plans can also be used for a degree. Students will receive consideration for equivalent credit for up to three non-College courses which are similar to the Renison courses listed for the Diploma and up to two that are listed for the Certificate. Diplomas and certificates are normally issued at the end of June and October. Students should notify the College in writing three months prior to completion of the requirements.

Diploma of General Studies in Social Work

Eligibility for this Diploma includes the successful completion of five academic course units (ten courses), with a minimum cumulative average of 65%, including:

Certificate in Studies of Child Abuse

Students who have completed the requirements for the Diploma of General Studies in Social Work will be eligible for the Certificate in Studies of Child Abuse with the successful completion of an additional 2.5 academic course units (five courses) with a minimum cumulative average of 65%, including:

Students must complete a minimum of 7.5 academic course units (15 courses) to earn both the Diploma and the Certificate. Students may not double count courses between these two academic plans. Required courses for the Certificate, taken previously for the Diploma, must be replaced with other courses from the Diploma requirements.


  1. For students in minor academic plans who do not have at least one course in statistics and one course in research, and especially those considering graduate studies in Social Work, ISS 250R and ISS 251R are strongly recommended.
  2. For further information regarding any of the academic plans, consult the Registrar's Office, Renison University College, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G4, or contact .

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567
 Campaign Waterloo