Arts Academic Regulations and Advice
Course Selection and Course Load |
Course Add/Drop Deadlines |
- Courses may be added up to the end of the second week of classes, apart from the summer session.
- Course drops during the first three weeks of any term, apart from summer session, will be without penalty (Drop/Delete Period).
- Course drops during the period of week four to week eight will automatically receive a grade of WD (Drop Penalty 1; no effect on the average calculations).
- Course drops during the final weeks of the term (week nine and onward) will automatically be assigned the grade of WF (Drop Penalty 2; 32% is recorded in the average calculations).
- For summer or block course sessions, the free drop/withdrawal period covers the first three days of the session. Thereafter, course drops will be subject to the imposition of either Drop Penalty 1 or 2 depending on the point in the session.
- Students wishing relief from the consequences of Drop Penalty Periods must petition the Examinations and Standings Committee. The student is expected to supply supporting documentation with the petition.
- Where a student drops a course after an allegation of an academic offense in that course has been made, the University will re-enrol that student in that course until the allegation has been resolved.