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Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Software Engineering Specific Degree Requirements

Faculty Options

Option in Statistics

The aim of the Statistics Option is to provide the student with a broad background in applied statistics, especially in the areas of multiple regression, quality control, experimental design, and applied probability.

There are four required courses:

STAT 231 Statistics (or equivalent, e.g., SYDE 214, ME 202, CHE 220, CIVE 224, ENVE 224)
STAT 331 Applied Linear Models (or equivalent, e.g., SYDE 334)
STAT 332 Sampling and Experimental Design
STAT 435 Statistical Methods for Process Improvement

A student must take three additional courses from those listed below:

STAT 230 Probability (or equivalent, e.g., SYDE 213)
STAT 333 Applied Probability
STAT 430 Experimental Design
STAT 431 Generalized Linear Models and their Applications
STAT 433 Stochastic Processes
STAT 443 Forecasting
CHE 37 Applied Mathematics 2
CHE 41 Introduction to Process Control
CHE 522 Advanced Process Dynamics and Control
CHE 524 Process Control Laboratory
CHE 622 Statistics in Engineering
CIVE 342 Transport Principles and Applications
CIVE 444 Urban Transport Planning
CIVE 375 Water Quality Engineering
CIVE 440 Transport Systems Analysis
CIVE 343 Traffic Engineering

CIVE 486


ENVE 473 Contaminant Transport
ME 340 Manufacturing Processes
MSCI 431 or
SYDE 511
Stochastic Models and Methods
Optimization Methods for Stochastic Systems
MSCI 432 Production and Service Operations Management
MSCI 452 Decision Making Under Uncertainty

MTE 201

Experimental Measurement and Statistical Analysis

SYDE 372

Introduction to Pattern Recognition

SYDE 511 Optimization Methods for Stochastic Systems
SYDE 533 Conflict Analysis

For further information contact the Option Co-ordinators.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567