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Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Software Engineering Specific Degree Requirements

Faculty Options

Option in Biomechanics

Engineers are playing an increasingly important role in the solution of health care problems, including those related to embryo development, ergonomics, medical imaging and prosthesis design. The purpose of the Option in Biomechanics is to allow students to explore this dynamic, interdisciplinary field. The Option is available to all Engineering students. It is designed to provide an introduction to such topics as growth, form and function; human anatomy and physiology; biomaterials; joint tribology; medical imaging, orthopaedic surgery and medical robotics; medical instrumentation; prosthetic devices and joint replacement implants; occupational biomechanics and ergonomics.

The Option consists of seven courses selected from specified lists. At least one course must be taken as an “extra.” An extra can be a course taken during a work term. Individual department requirements must be satisfied and thus the precise number of courses that need to be taken as extras (normally DRNA) may vary by program of registration. Contact the Associate Chair, Program Coordinator or Director for the program in question for information regarding the number of extras as well as any other restrictions that may apply. To satisfy the option, students must successfully complete

• one required course:

CIVE 460/ME 598 Engineering Biomechanics (W)

• plus one course from each of Lists A, B, C and D:

List A* - Anatomy and Physiology:

BIOL 201 Human Anatomy (F)
BIOL 273 Principles of Human Physiology 1 (W, S) and a limited number of spaces may be available by Distance Education (F,W,S)
KIN 100 Human Anatomy: Limbs and Trunk (W)

*To be taken by the end of the student's 3B term.

List B - Ergonomics:

KIN 121 Biomechanics of Human Activity (W)
KIN 160 Ergonomics in Industry (W)
KIN 420* Occupational Biomechanics(W)
SYDE 142 Introduction to Human Systems (S)
SYDE 348 User Centred Design Methods (W)
SYDE 543 Cognitive Ergonomics (F)

*can count only towards list B or D but not both

List C - Techniques of Biomechanics:

CHE 41 Introduction to Process Control (F,S)
CIVE 306 Mechanics of Solids 3 (F)
CIVE 422 Finite Element Analysis (W)
ECE 380 Analog Control Systems (F,W)
ECE 486 Robot Dynamics and Control (W)
ME 322 Mechanical Design 1 (F,W)
ME 360 Introduction to Control Systems (F,W)
ME 423 Mechanical Design 2 (F,S)
ME 547 Robot Manipulators: Kinematics, Dynamics, Control (W)
ME 555 Computer-Aided Design (W)
ME 559 Finite Element Methods (F,S)
ME 566 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineering Design (F,S)
MTE 360 Automatic Control Systems (W)
PHYS 480 Radiation Biophysics (F)
PHYS 481 Biophysics of Organ Systems (W)
SYDE 352 Introduction to Control Systems (W)
SYDE 372 Introduction to Pattern Recognition (W)
SYDE 382 Modelling and Simulation of Mechanical Systems (W)
SYDE 444 Biomedical Engineering: Human Function and its Measurement (W)
SYDE 454 Computer Simulation of Systems (W)
SYDE 543 Cognitive Ergonomics (F)
SYDE 553 Advanced Dynamics (F)
SYDE 555 Modelling of Continuum Systems (F)
SYDE 575 Image Processing (F)

List D - Kinesiology:

KIN 221 Advanced Biomechanics of Human Movement (W,S)
KIN 242 Introduction to Movement Disorders (F)
KIN 255 Introduction to Psychomotor Behaviour (F)
KIN 264 Developmental Aspects of Movement (W)
KIN 340 Injuries in Work and Sport (F)
KIN 356 Information Processing in Human Perceptual Motor Performance (W)
KIN 401 Physiological Adaptations to Physical Activity (W,S)
KIN 416 Neuromuscular Integration (F)
KIN 420* Occupational Biomechanics (W)
KIN 422 Human Gait, Posture, and Balance: Pathological and Aging Considerations (F)
KIN 425 Biomechanical Modelling of Human Movement (F)
KIN 472 Directed Study in Special Topics (F,W,S)

*can count only towards list B or D but not both

• plus a two-term project from list E

List E - Project:

CHE 46/47 Chemical Engineering Design Workshop/Group Design Project (F/W)
CIVE 400/1 Civil Engineering Project 2/3 (S/W)
ECE 492A/B Engineering Design Project/Engineering Design Symposium (S/W)
ENVE 430/431 Environmental Engineering Project 1/2 (F/W)
GENE 401/2 Special Directed Studies (S,F/W)
ME 481/2 Mechanical Engineering Design Project/Project (S,F/W)
SYDE 461/2 Systems Design Workshop 2/3 (F/W)

‡The project topic must be in the area of biomechanics, and students are encouraged to have their projects supervised or co-supervised by a faculty member outside of their home Department.

The courses listed above may have prerequisites, and it is the student’s responsibility to satisfy the requirements or otherwise obtain permission to enrol.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567