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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Engineering

Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Software Engineering Specific Degree Requirements

Challenge for Credit
In unusual circumstances a student may have received formal training, typically from an institution similar to the University of Waterloo, in material that they would normally be required to take as a course in their program. In such cases, they may show evidence as to why they should be excused from taking the course. If the evidence is acceptable to the student's department, the student may be permitted to demonstrate competence in the material in a manner acceptable to the department offering the course. This process is known as "Challenge for Credit." Additional information may be obtained from the student's department. Where a Challenge for Credit is successful, the student is still expected to carry a full course load for the corresponding term; Challenge for Credit cannot be used to reduce the course load from the normal course load for any term. Challenge for Credit is available only for courses taught by the Faculty of Engineering.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567