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Science Academic Programs and Plans


Requirements for Admission


Applications are accepted from candidates who are Canadian citizens or from legal residents of Canada who have held Permanent Resident status for at least 12 months prior to registering for the fall term. Proof of Permanent Resident status must accompany the application. In special circumstances, a limited number of international students (one or two) may be admitted (i.e., those on student authorization).


Applicants should satisfy the admissions committee that they are well prepared academically for entry to the School of Optometry and Vision Science. Successful applicants must have attended university for at least three years (15.0 units) before acceptance into the Doctor of Optometry (OD) program.

The following courses represent the prerequisites for admission to the OD program:

General Biology (with lab) – two terms: 
BIOL 130 Introductory Cell Biology and BIOL 130L Cell Biology Laboratory
BIOL 211 Introductory Vertebrate Zoology

General Chemistry (with lab) – one term: 
CHEM 120 Chemistry 1 and CHEM 120L General Chemistry Laboratory 1
CHEM 121 Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter and CHEM 121L Chemical Reaction Laboratory 1

General Physics (with labs) – two terms:
PHYS 111 Physics 1 and PHYS 111L Physics 1 Laboratory, and
PHYS 112 Physics 2 and PHYS 112L Physics 2 Laboratory
PHYS 121 Mechanics and PHYS 121L Mechanics Laboratory, and
PHYS 122 Waves, Electricity and Magnetism and PHYS 122L Waves, Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory

Calculus – one term:
MATH 127
Calculus 1 for the Sciences

Introductory Psychology – one term: 
PSYCH 101 Introductory Psychology

English – one term:
Any one-term English course that requires a significant amount of reading, critical thinking, analysis, and writing. The writing assignment(s), exclusive of tests, must comprise a minimum of 30% of the final course grade. Refer to the English Academic Requirement for further details.

Physiology (Human or Mammalian) or (Human Anatomy and Physiology) – two terms: 
BIOL 273 Principles of Human Physiology 1
BIOL 373 Principles of Human Physiology 2

Introductory Ethics – one term:
PHIL 110B Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics and Values
PHIL 218J Foundations of Ethics
PHIL 219J Practical Ethics
PHIL 221 Ethics
PHIL 226 Biomedical Ethics

Organic Chemistry – one term: 
CHEM 266 Basic Organic Chemistry 1

Microbiology – one term: 
BIOL 240 Fundamentals of Microbiology

Biochemistry – one term: 
CHEM 237 Introductory Biochemistry

Statistics – one term: 
STAT 202 Introductory Statistics for Scientists

Optometry Admission Test (OAT)

The OAT must be written by all applicants.

For September 2024 admission, OAT scores from August 31, 2021 up to and including August 31, 2023 will be accepted. Candidates are responsible to ensure that their OAT scores are sent to the University of Waterloo School of Optometry and Vision Science. Applications for the OAT are available online. All inquiries regarding this test should be addressed to the Optometry Admission Testing Program.

Selection Factors

Applicants are selected on a competitive basis considering scholarships, interest, motivation, general qualifications for the profession, and recommendations.

If selected for an interview, the admissions committee uses the following admission criteria:

  • Academic requirement:
    • Undergraduate academic record - academic aptitude and performance
    • OAT scores
  • Non-academic requirement:
    • Interviews
    • Academic awards
    • Non-academic awards
    • Work experience
    • Volunteer experience
    • Extracurricular activities
    • Optometry-related experience – job shadowing
    • Confidential Assessment Forms (references)

From these requirements, the committee is looking for:

  • Work experience and service to the community and university
  • Proof of personal qualities such as leadership, integrity, motivation, initiative, social awareness, and interpersonal skills
  • Knowledge of the responsibilities optometrists have as primary health care providers

All offers of admission are conditional upon successful completion of the current academic year and requirements. Admitted students must maintain their level of academic performance. The admissions committee reserves the right to revoke admission to an already admitted student if their academic performance falls below acceptable standards.

Application Procedures

Specific instructions, including deadlines, will be outlined in the application procedures accompanying the application.

The deadline for receipt of final academic transcripts is May 31 prior to the fall term start.

Application Fee

A $210 non-refundable Optometry application fee must be submitted with the completed online application.

Advanced Standing Offers of Admission

Advanced standing entrance to the Doctor of Optometry program is available to qualified internationally graduated optometrists and ophthalmologists. Advanced standing students who successfully complete third- and fourth-year optometry courses will obtain a Doctor of Optometry degree.

Criminal Record Checks - Vulnerable Sector (CRC)

Applicants to the Doctor of Optometry program sign a self-declaration regarding any criminal convictions, cautions, or disciplinary proceedings. The Criminal Record Check - Vulnerable Sector (CRC) will be required before starting the program. If the CRC or self-declaration indicates a criminal offence or disciplinary action, then the information will be referred to the School of Optometry and Vision Science’s Criminal Record Check Review Committee, who will determine if the record is relevant to enrolment in the program. Applicants who are unsure regarding disclosure are strongly advised to contact the admissions officer for advice before submitting their application.

More information about obtaining a CRC can be obtained from the applicant's local police agency. Applicants are responsible for paying any costs related to having the CRC sent to the School.

All information received by the University is treated confidentially, in accordance with applicable privacy legislation.

Required Immunizations

Applicants sign a self-declaration that they will meet the Doctor of Optometry program’s tuberculosis test and immunization requirements. Written proof will be required before starting the program. Individuals who do not meet these requirements for medical or religious reasons may encounter restrictions in their clinical experience.


Students granted admission to the first professional year who have taken courses equivalent to those required in the professional program may apply for exemptions from these courses after acceptance into Optometry.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
Ira G. Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1