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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Environment

Academic Enrichment Opportunities

Plan Modifications

Students who intend to add a minor, option, or second major (joint honours or concurrent degree) to their academic studies must receive approval from the appropriate person in the academic unit offering the minor, option, or second major as well as their major's academic advisor. A Plan Modification Form must be submitted to the home academic unit prior to the start of Year Three.

Concurrent Degrees

University of Waterloo students pursuing a Bachelor degree in other faculties may wish to work concurrently toward a Faculty of Environment Bachelor degree. Students must consult with the Faculty of Environment academic advisor and their home faculty's academic advisor. Students from the Faculty of Environment who wish to pursue any combination of Faculty of Environment bachelor degrees concurrently must consult with the academic advisor for both majors. All interested students must complete a Plan Modification Form to officially declare the concurrent degrees. Failure to officially declare may result in the concurrent degree not being granted at time of graduation.

Successful completion of the following is required to be awarded a concurrent degree:

  1. All program-level requirements as approved by the Faculty of Environment academic advisor.
  2. At least 7.5 units (for the Three-Year General degree) or 10.0 units (for the Honours degree) over and above the minimum number of course units required for the first degree in the home faculty.

Concurrent degrees with majors in Environment and Business, International Development Practice Specialization, or Planning will not be approved.

The Bachelor of Sustainability and Financial Management (BSFM) is jointly offered between the faculties of Environment and Arts, but follows the Faculty of Arts concurrent degree regulations.

Joint Honours Plans

Many honours major plans may be combined within and between faculties. However, before embarking on a joint honours plan, it is highly recommended that students consult with the academic advisor of both majors. Students must meet the requirements of both majors as stated in this Calendar, and they should be aware that combining some honours majors may require more than the normal number of academic terms to complete. Admission to a joint honours plan will not be approved prior to Year Two of studies.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
Ira G. Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1