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The Undergraduate Calendar



Science Academic Plans

Science and Aviation

Honours Science and Aviation (Physics Specialization)

Advisors: See Faculty of Science, academic advisors

Continuing in the Science and Aviation, Physics Specialization program requires a cumulative overall average of 65% and a cumulative Science average of 65%. Flight training courses offered through the Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre (WWFC) are not included in any cumulative average calculations. Instead, students receive credit (CR) for each course they successfully complete.

Successful completion of this program requires:

20.0 units distributed as follows:

Additional Program Conditions:

  1. AVIA 101, 102, 203, 204, 205, 306, 307, and 408 are the Professional Pilot Program flight training courses offered by and assessed through the WWFC. All other AVIA courses are offered and assessed by Waterloo.
  2. The passing grade in each WWFC flight training course is 70%. Credit must be obtained in each course to progress to the next one. Normally, students can repeat each course only once, if there is a failed first attempt.
  3. A maximum of 2.0 failed units is permitted for all Waterloo courses.


  1. Alternative program electives may be substituted with permission from the program advisor.
  2. PHYS electives must be selected so that prerequisites are met.

Recommended Course Sequence

Year One


AVIA 100 Introduction to Aviation
GEOG 181 Designing Effective Maps
MATH 114 Linear Algebra for Science
MATH 127 Calculus 1 for the Sciences
PHYS 121 Mechanics
PHYS 131L Mechanics Laboratory


AVIA 101 Professional Pilot Program Course I (0.75 unit)
MATH 128 Calculus 2 for the Sciences
PHYS 122 Waves, Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 132L Waves, Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory
SCCOM 100 Communication in the Sciences

AVIA 102 Professional Pilot Program Course II (0.5 unit)

Year Two


AVIA 203 Professional Pilot Program Course III (0.5 unit)
MATH 227 Calculus 3 for Honours Physics
MATH 228 Differential Equations for Physics and Chemistry
PHYS 236 Computational Physics 1

AVIA 204 Professional Pilot Program Course IV (0.75 unit)
PHYS 234 Quantum Physics 1
PHYS 242 Electricity and Magnetism 1
PHYS 242L Electricity and Magnetism Lab
PHYS 263 Classical Mechanics and Special Relativity

AVIA 205 Professional Pilot Program Course V (0.5 unit)

Year Three


AVIA 306 Professional Pilot Program Course VI (0.75 unit)
AVIA 310 Human Factors in Aviation
PHYS 256 Geometrical and Physical Optics
PHYS 256L Optics Laboratory
STAT 202 Introductory Statistics for Scientists

AVIA 307 Professional Pilot Program Course VII (0.75 unit)
AVIA 320 Aviation Safety
GEOG 271 Earth from Space Using Remote Sensing
  or GEOG 281 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
One 200-, 300-, or 400-level PHYS elective (0.5 unit)

AVIA 408 Professional Pilot Program Course VIII (0.5 unit)

Year Four

GEOG 309 Physical Climatology
PHYS 342 Electricity and Magnetism 2
One PHYS elective (0.5 unit)
One Program elective (0.5 unit)
Two 300- or 400-level PHYS electives (1.0 unit)
One PHYS elective (0.5 unit)
One PHYS lab elective (0.25 unit)


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567