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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Engineering

Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Software Engineering Specific Degree Requirements

First-Year Engineering Programs

All students enrolling in either the Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) or Bachelor of Software Engineering (BSE) degree, at the time of admission, will be registered in one of the programs listed below.

Architectural Engineering
Biomedical Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Geological Engineering

Management Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Mechatronics Engineering

Nanotechnology Engineering

Software Engineering

Systems Design Engineering

Even though students in first year BASc are registered in different programs, the studies at this level, excluding those in Biomedical Engineering and Systems Design Engineering, are co-ordinated by the Engineering Undergraduate Office.

One of the goals of the Engineering Undergraduate Office is to make the transition from the secondary school level of study to a university level of study as smooth as possible. This transition is eased by having many of the first-year engineering courses build directly upon corresponding courses at the senior secondary school level.

Many aspects associated with the transition from high school study to university study are facilitated by the Engineering Undergraduate Office. For example, most first-year engineering courses are organized to promote the study skills and work habits which will lead to academic and professional success. Study skills workshops run throughout the 1A and 1B terms. Students determined to have weak background knowledge or skills are invited to participate in (help sessions) GENE 119 Problems Seminar, a non-credit course to help students develop engineering knowledge and problem-solving skills. For students with questions about career development or personal concerns, Counselling Services provides a wide range of services in the Engineering Undergraduate Office. First-year students with questions about their first-year courses or progress should contact the appropriate advisor listed below.

Degree and Program of Study First-Year Advisor
BASc (Architectural, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Environmental, Geological, Management, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Nanotechnology Engineering) Associate Director First Year Engineering
BASc (Biomedical Engineering) Director Biomedical Engineering
BASc (Systems Design Engineering) Associate Chair Systems Design Engineering
BSE (Software Engineering) Associate Director Software Engineering

The curriculum for all first-year engineering (BASc) students is designed to provide a strong foundation of mathematical and scientific knowledge, a survey of the engineering sciences used in all disciplines of engineering, and an introduction to the engineering profession and engineering science as it pertains to the student's discipline. Students entering first-year engineering must enrol in the courses indicated in Table A.

Table A - First Year BASc and BSE Courses


* CSE means Complementary Studies Elective
± These programs also have a seminar: (BME 102, CIVE 199, ECE 102, MSCI 100B, ME 100B, MTE 100B, NE 101, SYDE 102, SE 102)

Term Academic Program Courses
1A Architectural AE 100
AE 101
AE 104 AE 115
CHE 102 MATH 116
Biomedical BME 101/BME 101L BME 121 BME 161 BME 181 SYDE 111 SYDE 113
Chemical CHE 100 CHE 102 MATH 115 MATH 116 PHYS 115 not applicable
Civil CIVE 100 CHE 102 CIVE 104
CIVE 115 MATH 116 CSE 1*
Computer and Electrical ECE 105 ECE 150 ECE 190 GENE 191 MATH 115 MATH 117
Environmental ENVE 100 CHE 102 CIVE 104 CIVE 115 MATH 116 CSE 1*
Geological ENVE 100 CHE 102 CIVE 104 CIVE 115 MATH 116 CSE 1*
Management MSCI 100 CHE 102 MATH 115 MATH 116 PHYS 115 not applicable
Mechanical ME 100 CHE 102 MATH 115 MATH 116 PHYS 115 not applicable
Mechatronics MTE 100 CHE 102 MATH 115 MATH 116 GENE 121 not applicable
Nanotechnology ± NE 100 NE 109 MATH 117 NE 111 NE 112 NE 121
Systems Design ± SYDE 101/SYDE 101L SYDE 111 SYDE 113 SYDE 121 SYDE 161 SYDE 181
Software Engineering (BSE) SE 101 CS 137 ECE 105 MATH 115 MATH 117 MATH 135
1B Architectural AE 105
AE 121
AE 125
GENE 123 MATH 118 not applicable
Biomedical BME 122 BME 162 BME 182 BME 186 SYDE 112 SYDE 114
Chemical CHE 121 GENE 123 MATH 118 CHE 161 CHE 101 CSE 1*
Civil CIVE 105 CIVE 121 CIVE 153 GENE 123 MATH 118 not applicable
Computer and Electrical ±
ECE 106 ECE 108 ECE 124 ECE 140 ECE 192 MATH 119
Environmental CIVE 105 CIVE 121 ENVE 153 GENE 123 MATH 118 not applicable
Geological CIVE 105 CIVE 121 GEOE 153 GENE 123 MATH 118 not applicable
Management ± MSCI 121 GENE 123 MATH 118 PHYS 125 MSCI 131 MSCI 261
Mechanical ± ME 101  GENE 123 MATH 118 ME 115 CSE 1* not applicable
Mechatronics ± MTE 120 MTE 140 MATH 118 MTE 111 MTE 119 not applicable
Nanotechnology ± NE 102 NE 113 NE 125 NE 131 NE 140 MATH 119
Systems Design ± SYDE 112  SYDE 114 SYDE 162 SYDE 182 SYDE 192/SYDE 192L  CSE 1*
Software Engineering (BSE) ± CS 138 ECE 106 ECE 124 ECE 140 MATH 119 not applicable


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567