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The Undergraduate Calendar



Arts Academic Regulations and Advice

Course Selection and Course Load

Unit Weights

Co-op Work Terms

These carry a weight of 0.5 unit each and are only required of students in co-operative programs. No academic credit is given for the work-term credits towards the Bachelor's degree; however, completion of the minimum number of work terms is a requirement to receive the co-op designation upon graduation. 

Professional Development (PD) Courses

These carry a weight of 0.5 unit each and are only required of students in co-operative programs. No academic credit is given for the PD courses towards the Bachelor's degree; however, completion of the modules is a requirement for enrolment and continuation in the co-op program and to receive the co-op designation upon graduation.

Work-Term Report (WKRPT) Courses

These carry a weight of 0.13 unit each and are only required of students in co-operative programs. No academic credit is given for the WKRPT courses towards the Bachelor's degree; however, completion of the work-term reports is a requirement for enrolment and continuation in the co-op program and to receive the co-op designation upon graduation.


Work-term credits, PD course credits, and WKRPT course credits cannot be substituted for academic course credit.


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567