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Faculty of Arts

Arts Academic Regulations and Advice

Grievance Procedures

If a student wishes to appeal a grade or believes that an action or decision is unfair, the student should try to work the matter out informally with the instructor, officer, or University authority concerned within one month of receipt of the grade or decision. If the problem cannot be resolved in this way, the student may submit, within the framework of the Student Petitions and Grievances Policy (University of Waterloo Policy #70), a Notice of Challenge (Form 70B) to the associate dean of arts, undergraduate programs, or if reassessment of a piece of work is involved, a Notice of Reassessment Challenge (Form 70C) to the chair of the department involved. Students registered through an affiliated and federated institution of Waterloo should submit the grievance through the dean of the institution. 

Whether or not a student wishes to proceed informally or formally, advice and assistance may be secured from one of the following: the Office of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, the Office of the Registrar, the Secretariat, and/or the Conflict Management and Human Rights Office.

See the Student Petitions and Grievances Policy (University of Waterloo Policy #70) for more details.


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567