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Science Academic Plans


Minor in Chemistry

Advisor: See Faculty of Science, academic advisors

A Minor in Chemistry is available to students in any Honours Academic Plan, except for plans offered by the Department of Chemistry or plans that include including the designation "Specialization in Chemistry". A Minor in Chemistry will not be awarded together with a Minor in Biochemistry, as this would require triple counting of some courses.

In order to graduate with a Minor in Chemistry, students must complete the following requirements successfully:

  1. 5.0 units that include:
    • 2.0 CHEM lecture units, 200-level or higher
  2. A minimum cumulative average of 60% for all lecture courses
  3. A minimum cumulative average of 60% for all lab courses
Additional Program requirements:
  1. A maximum of two failures in CHEM courses is allowed.
  2. A maximum of 1.5 CHEM lecture units can be from the same theme area. For 200-level or higher CHEM courses, the middle digit in the course number designates the theme area. "0" is general interest, "1" is inorganic/materials chemistry, "2" is analytical chemistry, "3" is biological chemistry/biochemistry, "4" is computational/theoretical chemistry, "5" is physical chemistry, "6" is organic chemistry, "7" is polymer chemistry, and "8" is medicinal chemistry.


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567