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Science Academic Plans


Honours Co-operative Medicinal Chemistry
Advisor: See Faculty of Science, academic advisors.

Medicinal Chemistry is the science of drug discovery. Students in this program will be trained as chemists but will additionally be provided with training that is appropriate for careers in the design, synthesis, and evaluation of potential drug candidates.

This Academic Plan is integrated with five four-month work terms and extends over four and two-thirds years. Students work and study in alternate terms starting at the end of the 2A term. There is a double work term between terms 3B and 4A. Co-op program requirement information is located in the Co-operative Education and Career Action section of this Calendar and in the Science Faculty work term report guidelines. WatPD course information is located on the Professional Development website.  

Continuation in Honours Co-operative Medicinal Chemistry requires a 60% cumulative overall average, a 60% cumulative average in all Chemistry courses, and a 60% combined average in CHEM 264 and CHEM 265.

In order to graduate from the Honours Co-operative Medicinal Chemistry program, the following requirements must be successfully completed:

  1. 22 units that include:
    • 0.5 unit of required BIOL courses: BIOL 130
    • 5.0 elective units distributed as follows:
      • 1.0 unit chosen from lecture courses offered in the Faculties of Arts or Environment. Students are encouraged to include in their Academic Plan an ethics course such as STV 100, PHIL 110B, PHIL 215, PHIL 221
      • 1.0 unit chosen from any 0.5 unit lecture or lab course
  2. Full-time enrolment in Years Two, Three and Four
  3. A minimum of four work terms, four satisfactory work reports (including PD 11) and credit in four WatPD courses (PD1, PD11 and two other PD courses)
  4. The English Language Proficiency Requirement

Additional Program Condition:

  1. A maximum of two failures in CHEM courses are allowed. Failure in more than two CHEM courses will result in the requirement to withdraw from the academic plan. Students may petition for re-admission to the plan. There must be exceptional circumstances to justify re-admission.

Recommended Course Sequence

Year One


BIOL 130 Introductory Cell Biology
CHEM 100 Introduction to Chemical Sciences
CHEM 120/CHEM 120L Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter/Laboratory
MATH 127 Calculus 1 for the Sciences
PHYS 111/PHYS 111L Physics 1/Laboratory
 or PHYS 121/PHYS 121L Mechanics/Laboratory 
One elective (0.5 unit)


CHEM 123/CHEM 123L Chemical Reactions, Equilibria and Kinetics/Laboratory
CHEM 140 Introduction to Scientific Calculations
MATH 128 Calculus 2 for the Sciences
PHYS 112/PHYS 112L Physics 2/Physics 2 Laboratory
 or PHYS 122/PHYS 122L Waves, Electricity and Magnetism/Laboratory
One elective (0.5 unit)

Year Two


CHEM 200 Introduction to Laboratory Techniques
CHEM 220/CHEM 220L Intro Analytical Chemistry/Laboratory
CHEM 240 Mathematical Methods for Chemistry
CHEM 250L Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1
CHEM 264 Organic Chemistry 1
One elective (0.5 unit)


CHEM 212 Structure and Bonding
CHEM 221 Multi-Component Analysis
CHEM 224L Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 2
CHEM 233 Fundamentals of Biochemistry
CHEM 254 Introductory Chemical Thermodynamics
CHEM 265/CHEM 265L Organic Chemistry 2/Laboratory

Year Three


CHEM 313L Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 1
CHEM 340 Introductory Computational Chemistry
CHEM 350 Chemical Kinetics
CHEM 360/CHEM 360L Organic Chemistry 3/Laboratory
CHEM 381 Bioorganic Chemistry


CHEM 310 Transition Element Compounds and Inorganic Materials
CHEM 331 Fundamentals of Metabolism 1
CHEM 382L Advanced Organic Synthesis Laboratory
CHEM 383 Medicinal Chemistry
One elective (0.5 unit)

Year Four

CHEM 464 Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry
CHEM 494A Research Project
CHEM 494B Research Project
Six electives (3.0 units) 

A synthetic organic chemistry CHEM 400 course must be taken as one of the fourth year program electives. Not all of the courses offered in the CHEM 400 series can be counted towards the Medicinal Chemistry program. Students should consult the academic advisor for more information about which courses can be counted.


Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567