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Faculty of Science

About the Faculty of Science

International Programs

International Exchanges

The Faculty of Science strongly supports international competence and encourages co-op and academic exchanges abroad. Science students in the International Exchanges can study in a foreign country while working toward their degree at University of Waterloo. Students can study for up to one year abroad at universities where exchange agreements exist. 

Detailed information about exchange programs is available on the International exchange opportunities page of the Faculty of Science website.

The majority of students who participate in exchanges have a keen interest in other countries and cultures, enjoy a change of routine, and adapt easily to different circumstances. Students on an exchange meet people from other countries and are exposed to different cultures. Such contacts improve interpersonal skills and confidence in dealing with a variety of different people. The exchange program is an excellent opportunity to improve on language and budgeting skills, while learning to adapt to different environments and situations. Normally exchanges are for students who have completed 2B in Science at Waterloo.

To be eligible for an exchange students must have at least a 70% overall average and be proficient in the language of instruction at the host university. Because of the limited number of places available each year, a selection process – primarily based on grades – is involved. For more information see the Faculty of Science web page.

International Joint Education Programs 

The Faculty of Science has partnered with several universities in China to offer a joint undergraduate program, whereby, students spend the first two years at their Chinese university and the final two years at the University of Waterloo. Students who complete the '2+2' program are awarded BSc degrees by both the University of Waterloo and the Chinese university. Current 2+2 programs in Science include: Biology, Biochemistry, Biomedical Science, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Environmental Science, Mathematical Physics, Materials and Nanosciences, Physics, Psychology, and Science and Business. The 2+2 Program is currently available only to international students at the partner Chinese universities. 

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University of Waterloo
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200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567