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Undergraduate Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions Index

Course Descriptions and Course Notes

Courses - Undergraduate

Owner Key

Owner Full
 AHS  Applied Health Sciences  
 ART  Arts
 ENG  Engineering
 ENV  Environment
 MAT  Mathematics
 REN  Renison University College (Social Work)
 SCI  Science
 VPA  Interdisciplinary Studies (Vice-President Academic)

Course Table

Course Course
Owner Notes 00 Series 100 Series 200 Series 300 Series 400 Series 500 Series


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Accounting & Financial Management AFM ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s 500s
Actuarial Science ACTSC  MAT       200s 300s 400s  
Anthropology ANTH  ART     100s 200s 300s 400s  
Applied Health Sciences AHS AHS Notes   100s        
Applied Language Studies APPLS  ART       200s 300s    
Applied Mathematics AMATH MAT       200s 300s 400s  
Architecture ARCH  ENG Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s 500s
Arts ARTS  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Arts and Business ARBUS  ART     100s 200s 300s 400s  
Aviation     AVIA  VPA     100s 200s 300s 400s  


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Bridge to Academic Success in English BASE ART 00s          
Biology BIOL  SCI Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Biomedical Engineering BME ENG   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Business (Wilfrid Laurier University) BUS  WLU Notes              
Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology BET  ENG     100s   300s 400s  


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Chemical Engineering CHE  ENG Notes 100s 200s 300s 400s 500s
Chemistry CHEM  SCI Notes 00s 100s 200s 300s 400s
Chinese CHINA  ART Notes
100s 200s 300s

Church Music and Worship CMW ART   200s 300s

Civil Engineering CIVE  ENG

100s 200s 300s 400s 500s
Classical Studies CLAS  ART Notes
100s 200s 300s 400s
Cognitive Science COGSCI ART         300s    
Combinatorics and Optimization CO  MAT Notes

200s 300s 400s
Commerce  COMM  MAT Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Computer Science CS MAT Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s
Co-operative Work Term COOP  VPA

Croatian CROAT  ART Notes      100s 200s   400s  


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Digital Arts Communication DAC  ART       200s 300s 400s  
Drama DRAMA ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Dutch DUTCH  ART Notes   100s 200s      


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Earth Sciences EARTH  SCI   00s 100s 200s 300s 400s  
East Asian EASIA  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s    
Economics ECON  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE  ENG Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
English ENGL  ART Notes 00s 100s 200s 300s 400s  
English for Academic Success   EFAS ART       00s          
English for Multilingual Speakers EMLS ART     100s    
Environment and Business     ENBUS  ENV     100s 200s 300s 400s  
Environment and Resource Studies ERS  ENV Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Environmental Engineering ENVE  ENG     100s 200s 300s 400s 500s
Environmental Studies ENVS  ENV     100s 200s 300s 400s  


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Fine Arts FINE  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
French FR  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  


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General Engineering GENE  ENG   00s 100s 200s 300s 400s 500s
Geography and Environmental Management GEOG  ENV Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Geological Engineering GEOE  ENG     100s 200s 300s 400s  
German GER  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Gerontology GERON  AHS Notes     200s 300s 400s  
Global Business and Digital Arts GBDA  ART     100s 200s 300s 400s  
Greek GRK  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  


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Health HLTH  AHS Notes    100s 200s 300s 400s  
History HIST  ART     100s 200s 300s 400s  
Human Resources Management HRM  ART       200s 300s 400s  
Human Sciences HUMSC  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  


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Independent Studies IS  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
International Development INDEV  ENV   00s 100s 200s 300s 400s  
International Studies INTST  ART
International Trade INTTS ART Notes       400s  
Italian ITAL  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s    
Italian Studies ITALST  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s    


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Japanese JAPAN  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s    
Jewish Studies JS  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  


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Kinesiology KIN  AHS Notes 00s 100s 200s 300s 400s  
Knowledge Integration INTEG  ENV Notes 00s  100s  200s 300s 400s  
Korean KOREA  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s    


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Latin LAT  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Legal Studies LS  ART   100s 200s 300s 400s  


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Mathematical Business MATBUS  MAT           400s  
Management Sciences MSCI ENG     100s 200s 300s 400s 500s
Materials and Nano-Sciences MNS  SCI   00s 100s 200s 300s 400s  
Mathematics MATH  MAT Notes 00s 100s 200s      
Mathematics Electives MTHEL  MAT Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Mechanical Engineering ME  ENG Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s 500s
Mechatronics Engineering MTE  ENG Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s 500s
Medieval Studies MEDVL  ART     100s 200s 300s    
Music MUSIC  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  


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Nanotechnology Engineering NE  ENG     100s 200s 300s 400s  
Native Studies NATST  ART       200s    


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Optometry OPTOM  SCI     100s 200s 300s 400s  


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Peace and Conflict Studies PACS  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Pharmacy PHARM  SCI Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Philosophy PHIL  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Physics PHYS  SCI   00s 100s 200s 300s 400s  
Planning PLAN  ENV Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Political Science PSCI  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Portuguese PORT  ART Notes   100s        
Professional Development PD  VPA Notes All          
Professional Development for Architecture Students PDARCH ENG   All        
Professional Development for Pharmacy Students      PDPHRM  SCI    All           
Psychology PSYCH  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Pure Mathematics PMATH  MAT Notes       300s 400s  


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Recreation and Leisure Studies REC  AHS Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Religious Studies RS  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Russian RUSS  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s    
Russian and East European Studies REES  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  


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Science SCI  SCI Notes 00s   200s 300s 400s  
Science and Business SCBUS  SCI Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies SMF  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Social Development Studies SDS  REN     100s 200s 300s 400s  
Social Venture Entrepreneur SVENT ENV       200s 300s    
Social Work (Social Development Studies) SOCWK ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Social Work (Bachelor of Social Work) SWREN  REN Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Society, Technology and Values STV  VPA     100s 200s 300s 400s  
Sociology SOC  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Software Engineering SE  VPA Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Spanish SPAN  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Speech Communication SPCOM  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  
Statistics STAT  MAT       200s 300s 400s  
Studies in Islam        SI  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s    
Systems Design Engineering SYDE  ENG Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s 500s


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University UNIV VPA     100s         


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Visual Culture  VCULT  ART Notes   100s 200s 300s 400s  


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Women's Studies WS  ART     100s 200s 300s 400s  
Work-term Report WKRPT  VPA Notes 00s 100s 200s 300s 400s  

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567