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Faculty of Engineering

Engineering & Architecture

English Language Proficiency Requirement

All students enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering are required to demonstrate English language competency. In the case of the Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) and Bachelor of Software Engineering (BSE) students, this competency can be demonstrated in either of two ways (listed below). Students in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) can demonstrate this competency in one of three ways (listed below). The table below summarizes these differences.

English Language Competency for BASc students

Before entering 2B all students must complete (at least) one of the following requirements.

  1. Earn a grade of 60% or more in one of ENGL 109, ENGL 129R, EMLS 102R, EMLS 129R, or
  2. Earn a grade of 60 (or more) in the English language proficiency exam (ELPE). Students are permitted to attempt the ELPE only once and the attempt must be before the start of the 2A term.

Failure to complete this requirement before the end of the 2A term will result in a term decision of May Not Proceed (MNP).

English Language Competency for BSE students

Students are required to meet the Communication Skills Requirement, which will also satisfy the English Language Proficiency Requirement.

English Language Competency for BAS students

Before entering 3A all students must complete (at least) one of the following requirements.

  1. Earn a minimum grade of B in the admission précis test, or
  2. Earn a grade of 60% or more in one of ENGL 109, ENGL 129R, EMLS 102R, EMLS 129R, or
  3. Earn a grade of 65 (or more) in the English language proficiency exam (ELPE). Students are permitted to attempt the ELPE only once and the attempt must be before the start of the 2A term.

Failure to complete this requirement before the end of the 2B term will result in a term decision of May Not Proceed (MNP).

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567