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The Undergraduate Calendar



General Information

Centre for Extended Learning

Centre for Extended Learning

The Centre for Extended Learning provides a variety of online and in-class learning opportunities to accommodate the needs of people seeking to further their education, either through university credit or non-credit Professional Development courses.

Online Credit Courses and Programs

The Centre for Extended Learning offers approximately 300 online courses in almost 45 subject areas. It is possible to earn an undergraduate degree in Arts or Science entirely online. Various certificates and diplomas are also available.

Students can complete online degree credit courses without ever coming to campus. Using a wide variety of media-rich learning materials, students can study whenever and wherever they want.

Full-time, on-campus students find online courses are a convenient solution when an on-campus class they want is either full, will not fit into their schedule, or is not being offered. Many students take courses when they are not on campus (during a co-op work term or during the summer for example).

Students must be admitted to the University of Waterloo in order to enroll in online courses. No distinction in admission standards, grading practices, or promotion policies is made between those pursuing part-time or full-time study, on campus, or online. Students who do not meet the normal admission requirements may be considered for admission under the University's Mature Student Admission Policy.

Part-Time Credit Courses and Programs

It is also possible to earn a degree part-time. Students can attend many day and evening on-campus classes or take online credit courses towards their degree.

Professional Development Non-Credit Courses and Certificates

Non-credit Professional Development courses and certificates are offered throughout the year. Choose from 40 in-class courses and over 130 online courses. Topics include: Accounting, Business Analysis, Communication, Leadership, Productivity, Project Management, Sales and Marketing, Languages, Writing, and Information Technology.

There is no admission process for Professional Development courses; students simply register and pay the course fee.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567