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The Undergraduate Calendar






The following are the amendments that were made to the 2015-2016 Undergraduate Academic Calendar since it was published on February 12, 2015.

Date July 13, 2015
Section Faculty of Science
Page Name
Introduction to the School of Pharmacy
Content Added
The Doctor of Pharmacy program of the School of Pharmacy at the University of Waterloo has been awarded the status of Full Accreditation by the Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs fo the six-year term 2015-2021.
Content Removed
The Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy program of the School of Pharmacy at the University of Waterloo has been awarded the status of Conditional Accreditation by the Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs for the three-year term 2012-2015. The School of Pharmacy will continue to work closely with the accreditation body to ensure that the institution fulfills all accreditation requirements for the entry-to-practice PharmD program that was approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities in January 2013.

Date September 2, 2015
Section General Information
Page Name
Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act
Content Added
Three paragraphs were changed
1. Information will be shared with other universities for those students who are cross-registered or who are enrolled in double degree or other similar programs offered jointly by the University of Waterloo and another university or universities.
2. The University is required to disclose personal information such as Ontario Education Numbers, student characteristics, and educational outcomes to the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities under s. 15 of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. M.19) as amended. The ministry collects this data for purposes such as planning; allocating and administering public funding to colleges, universities, and other post-secondary educational and training institutions; and, to conduct research and analysis, including longitudinal studies, and statistical activities conducted by or on behalf of the ministry for purposes that relate to post-secondary education and training. Further information on how the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities uses this personal information is available on the ministry's website.
3. Questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by the University, should be directed to the Privacy Officer, Secretariat & Office of General Counsel, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1. The email address of the Privacy Officer is See also University of Waterloo Policy 19: Access to and Release of Student Information.
Content Removed
1. Not applicable - new paragraph.
2. The university is required to report student-level enrolment-related data to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) as a condition of its receipt of operating grant funding. The Ministry collects this enrolment data, which includes limited personal information such as Ontario Education Numbers, student characteristics and educational outcomes, in order to administer government postsecondary funding, policies and programs, including planning, evaluation and monitoring activities. Further information on the collection and use of this data can be obtained from MTCU website: (English) or (French) or by writing to the Director, Postsecondary Finance Branch, Postsecondary Education Division, 7th Floor, Mowat Block, 900 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M7A 1L2.
3. Questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information by the University, should be directed to the Privacy Officer, Secretariat, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1. The email address of the Privacy Officer is See also University of Waterloo Policy 19: Access to and Release of Student Information; Information and Privacy.

Date September 2, 2015
Section Fees
Page Name
Fees for International Students with Student Authorizations
Content Added
2 A "dependant" of a person includes the person's spouse (the party to whom that person is joined in marriage), common-law partner, unmarried dependent child, or spouse's or common-law partner’s unmarried dependent child. Common-law status can be established if the couple have lived in a conjugal relationship for not less than three years, or they are in a conjugal relationship and raising children of whom both are natural or adoptive parents. Dependent status must be fully documented for the student to be classified as eligible.
Study Permits
1. A citizen of Canada within the meaning of the Citizenship Act, or a person registered as an Indian1 within the meaning of the Indian Act:
- a person who is the dependant2 of a Canadian citizen.
2. - a person who is the dependant2 of a permanent resident of Canada.
- a person who has met all the preliminary requirements for permanent residency status and presents a copy of the person's immigration letter, which confirms that Citizenship and Immigration Canada has accepted the person's application for permanent residency status in Canada, or has met the eligibility requirements to apply for permanent resident status in Canada. Such letters must be dated prior to the enrolment count date, and presented prior to the enrolment report due date. (winter - February 1, spring - June 30, fall - November 1).
3. A temporary resident who has been admitted to and remains in Canada with official accreditation from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, who has entered Canada, or is in Canada;
- to carry out the person's official duties as a diplomatic or consular officer; or
4. Temporary residents and their dependants2 who are authorized to work in Canada having been issued a work permit. The following are excluded from this category:
- a temporary resident who is a graduate teaching or research assistant;
- an international student holding a work permit to complete their co-op or internship employment;
- an international student holding a work permit for post-graduation work (for up to three years of work opportunities upon graduation);
5. A person and their dependants2 admitted and remaining in Canada who:
The foregoing is a condensed version of sections 1.1.7, 1.1.8, 4.1.1 to 4.1.4 of the 2009-10 Ontario Operating Funds Distribution Manual. For further details, contact the Office of the Registrar.
Content Removed
2 A "dependant of a person includes his/her spouse (the party to whom that person is joined in marriage), unmarried child, or spouse's unmarried child. Dependent status must be fully documented and must have been established for a minimum of three years for the student to be classified as eligible.
Study Permits
1. A citizen of Canada within the meaning of the Citizenship Act, or a person registered as an Indian1 within the meaning of the Indian Act:
- a person who is the dependant2 of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
2. a person who has met all the preliminary requirements for permanent residency status and presents a copy of his or her immigrant visa waiver letter, which confirms that Citizenship and Immigration Canada has accepted his or her application for permanent residency status.
3. A visitor who has been admitted to and remains in Canada with official accreditation from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, who has entered Canada, or is in Canada:
- to carry out his/her official duties as a diplomatic or consular officer; or
4. Visitors and their dependants2 who are authorized to work in Canada having been issued a work permit. The following are excluded from this category:
- a visitor who is a graduate teaching or research assistant;
- an international student holding a work permit to complete his/her co-op or internship employment;
- an international student holding a work permit for post-graduation work (usually for up to three years of work opportunities upon graduation);
5. A person and his/her dependants2 admitted and remaining in Canada who:
The foregoing is a condensed version of section 4.1.3 "Eligible International Students", section 4.1.4 "Protected Persons" and section 4.2.4 "Ineligible International Students" of the 2009-10 Ontario Operating Funds Distribution Manual. For further details, contact the Office of the Registrar.

Date September 11, 2015
Section Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
Page Name
Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
Content Added
English Language Proficiency Exam (ELPE) Dates
ELPE dates were added for the 2015-2016 Academic Year
Fall 2015 - See dates below.
Winter 2016 - See dates below.
Spring 2016 - Not applicable.
Fall 2015
ELPE for new Waterloo Science students: Sept. 25
ELPE for new Waterloo Engineering students: Sept. 26
ELPE for new Waterloo Arts students in programs from these departments GBDA, AFM, and CFM: Sept. 26
ELPE for new Waterloo Applied Health Sciences students and remaining eligible students: Dec. 7
Winter 2016
ELPE for new Waterloo Science students: Jan. 15
ELPE for remaining eligible students: April 7
Content Removed
English Language Proficiency Exam (ELPE) Dates
Previously indicated: To visit the English Language Proficiency Exam Dates (ELPE) web page (active link in place) in the Writing Centre website.
In the fall 2015 column, it said "Sept. to Dec."
In the winter 2016 column, it said "Jan. and Apr."
In the spring 2016 column, it said "not applicable."

Date September 22, 2015
Section Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
Page Name
Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
Content Added
Spring 2016 Convocation - June 14-18, 2016 (T-S)
Content Removed
Spring 2016 Convocation - To be determined

Date September 22, 2015
Section General Information
Page Name
Grading System
Content Added
Non-numeric Grades
Definition for Aegrotat:
Aegrotat, credit granted due to illness or extenuating circumstances.
Average calculation value is not applicable.
Content Removed
Non-numeric Grades
Definition for Aegrotat:
Aegrotat, credit granted due to illness.
Average calculation value is not applicable.

Date October 22, 2015
Section Faculty of Engineering
Page Name
School of Architecture: Honours Bachelor of Architectural Studies | Academic Decisions
Content Added
Point 2 Term Decision added under Notes.
Term Decision - The term decision is based on the previous term decision, the term average for the current term, and the number of courses with grades below 50. The term average is calculated using the weight of the course, the status of the course (e.g., DRNA) and the interpreted course grade. All grades above 32 are interpreted as the submitted grade. Courses with a submitted grade below 32 are interpreted for averaging purposes, as having a value of 32. Both the number of courses below 50 in the current term as well as the cumulative number of uncleared courses on a student's record can be part of the decision.
Content Removed
Not applicable - new text added.

Date October 27, 2015
Section General Information
Page Name
Mid-Term Study Break
Content Added
A mid-term break (e.g., Winter Reading Week) is intended to act as a pause for students in an academic term, to reflect upon and catch up on their term’s work to date and, as necessary, prepare for any upcoming mid-term assignments and assessments.

During this pause, there are to be no scheduled meetings or assignments for students (e.g., classes, labs, tutorials, seminars, exams, TA-related work). While exceptions may exist (e.g., co-operative employment interviews, clinical rotations, PhD comprehensive exams, graduate thesis defenses), the pause applies to meetings involving both undergraduate and graduate students.

Deadlines for student submissions will not be scheduled during the break. Student services such as student advising support, Health Services, Counselling Services, the library, and residences are expected to continue to provide service.

The above terms of reference are not meant to include responsibilities associated with graduate students in their roles as research assistants or in any other employment capacity (excluding TA-related work as mentioned above) with the university. In these situations, students and employers should clarify their mutual expectations concerning work-related responsibilities during the mid-term break.
Content Removed
Not applicable - new web page added.

Date November 6, 2015
Section General Information
Page Name
The Foundation Term
Content Added
The page name was changed retroactively to fall 2012. The new page name is The Foundation Term.
Content Removed
The page name was previously Student Success.

Date March 10, 2016
Section Amendments
Page Name
Content Added
A new section and web page called "Amendments" was added to the Undergraduate Academic Calendar.
Content Removed
Not applicable.

Date April 22, 2016
Section General Information
Page Name
Degree Hoods
Content Added
In the description column for the Bachelor of Health Promotion - "teal green border with white soutache braid trim"
Content Removed
To be determined

Date May 16, 2016
Section Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
Page Name
Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines
Content Added
"(F)" to correct the day of the week information in the "Spring 2016 May-Aug." column for "Add period ends."
Content Removed
"(W)" to correct the day of the week information in the "Spring 2016 May-Aug." column for "Add period ends."

Date February 1, 2017
Section Faculty of Mathematics
Page Name
Academic Plans and Requirements | Degree Requirements for all Math Students | Plans for Students outside the Mathematics Faculty | Pure Mathematics Minor
Content Added
Pure Mathematics minor requirements
Content Removed
A "Pure Mathematics Minor" is available for honours and four-year general students in other faculties. This minor requires a total of ten math courses which must include the following specific courses:
One of
MATH 106 Applied Linear Algebra 1
MATH 114 Linear Algebra for Science
MATH 115 Linear Algebra for Engineering
One of
MATH 116 Calculus 1 for Engineering
MATH 117 Calculus 1 for Engineering
MATH 127 Calculus 1 for the Sciences
One of
MATH 118 Calculus 2 for Engineering
MATH 119 Calculus 2 for Engineering
MATH 128 Calculus 2 for the Sciences
Four PMATH courses, chosen in consultation with a Pure Mathematics advisor.
Three additional math courses which qualify for Bachelor of Mathematics (BMath) degree credit.
For the complete set of courses on the student's record that could be used to satisfy any of the course requirements above (a) the average of all passed courses (including repeated courses) must be at least 60% and (b) at most two courses may have failing grades.
1. The Pure Mathematics minor designation is not available to students pursuing a joint honours with Mathematics.
2. A student who obtains a Pure Mathematics minor may not also obtain another minor offered by the Faculty of Mathematics.
3. The MATH courses listed above may be replaced by the equivalent courses for honours mathematics students. For example, instead of MATH 116 or 117 or 127, a student may take MATH 137 or 147.  

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567