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The Undergraduate Calendar



Academic Plans and Requirements



Students in this plan must fulfill all the requirements in Table I and Table II. This must include at least 26 math courses, and the following specific requirements:

One of

MATH 237 Calculus 3 for Honours Mathematics
MATH 247 Calculus 3 (Advanced Level)

All of

MTHEL 300 Professional Communications in Statistics and Actuarial Science
STAT 330 Mathematical Statistics
STAT 331 Applied Linear Models
STAT 332 Sampling and Experimental Design
STAT 333 Applied Probability

One of

MATH 239 Introduction to Combinatorics
MATH 249 Introduction to Combinatorics (Advanced Level)
AMATH 231 Calculus 4
AMATH 242/CS 371 Introduction to Computational Mathematics
AMATH 250 Introduction to Differential Equations

Two 400-level STAT courses.

One additional 300- or 400-level STAT course.

One of

One additional 400-level STAT course
CS 457 System Performance Evaluation
CS 485 Machine Learning: Statistical and Computational Foundations
CS 486 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Note: CS 457, CS 485, and CS 486 are open only to those with a major in CS.

Four additional 300- or 400-level math courses.

At least three additional math courses for a minimum of 26 math courses.


  1. Students currently or previously enrolled in the following plans: Business Administration and Mathematics Double Degree, Mathematics/Business Administration, Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk Management, Information Technology Management, and Mathematical Optimization – Business Specialization may substitute:
    • STAT 371 for STAT 331.
    • STAT 372 for STAT 332.
    • AMATH 350 for AMATH 250.
  2. STAT 334 is not an acceptable substitute for STAT 330 or STAT 333; STAT 373 is not an acceptable substitute for STAT 331.
  3. Business Administration and Mathematics Double Degree students may substitute BUS 362W for MTHEL 300.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567