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The Undergraduate Calendar



Academic Plans and Requirements


Mathematics/Teaching (Co-op only)

Students in this plan must fulfill all the requirements in Table I and Table II. This must include at least 24 math courses, and the following specific requirements:

One of

MATH 237 Calculus 3 for Honours Mathematics
MATH 247 Calculus 3 (Advanced Level)

One of

MATH 239 Introduction to Combinatorics
MATH 249 Introduction to Combinatorics (Advanced Level)

All of

ACTSC 221 Mathematics of Investment
CO 250 Introduction to Optimization
CS 234 Data Types and Structures

One of

AMATH 250 Introduction to Differential Equations
AMATH 343 Discrete Models in Applied Mathematics

One of

AMATH 331/PMATH 331 Applied Real Analysis
AMATH 332/PMATH 332 Applied Complex Analysis

One of

CO 380 Mathematical Discovery and Invention
CO 480 History of Mathematics

One of

CS 230 Introduction to Computers and Computer Systems
CS 330 Management Information Systems
CS 338 Computer Applications in Business: Databases
CS 370 Numerical Computation
CS 430 Applications Software Engineering
CS 436 Networks and Distributed Computer Systems

One of

PMATH 334 Introduction to Rings and Fields with Applications
PMATH 336 Introduction to Group Theory with Applications
PMATH 347 Groups and Rings

One of

PMATH 330 Introduction to Mathematical Logic
PMATH 340 Elementary Number Theory
PMATH 360 Geometry

One of

STAT 331 Applied Linear Models
STAT 332 Sampling and Experimental Design
STAT 333 Applied Probability

All of

MTHEL 206A Introduction to Mathematics Education
PSYCH 101/PSYCH 101R Introductory Psychology

One of

PSYCH 211 Developmental Psychology
PSYCH 212/PSYCH 212R Educational Psychology

Eight 300- or 400-level math courses, including any taken to satisfy the above requirements.

Recommended non-math courses include

PHIL 311 Philosophy of Education
SOC 207/SOC 207R Sociology of Education


  1. Successful completion of the academic requirements for any of the departmental honours plans "X" in the Faculty of Mathematics, leading to a Bachelor of Mathematics (BMath) degree, will be accepted as a replacement for the math course requirements listed above provided that "X" is not a Mathematical Studies plan. All requirements specified in Table II must be completed, however, even if the departmental honours plan provides exemptions from any of those requirements. Students who elect this option will be designated by a plan label such as "Honours 'X'/Teaching" rather than "Honours Mathematics/Teaching".
  2. The selection of courses required for the BMath Teaching must include a second teaching subject. Options for the second teaching subject are chosen from the subjects available at Ontario Faculties of Education in consultation with the Math/Teaching plan academic advisors. 

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567