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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Environment

Academic Plans


Business Option

A Business Option, offered jointly with Wilfrid Laurier University, is available to all undergraduates in the Faculty of Environment, with the exception of students in the Environment and Business Honours Program. It may not be combined with the Human Resources Management Minor or the Management Studies Minor because of similar coursework.

The requirements for the Option are nine courses (six core and three elective) with a minimum overall cumulative average of 65%.

Required Courses

Six courses:

AFM 101, BUS 121W
one of: AFM 131, BUS 111W
one of: BUS 352W, ECON 344
one of: BUS 288W, PSYCH 338, MSCI 211
one of: BUS 354W, HRM 200

Elective Courses

Three courses: ECON 101, one other ECON course (excluding ECON 344), AFM 102, one other AFM course (excluding AFM 101, AFM 131), SPCOM 223, BUS 208W, BUS 362W, BUS 398W, BUS 452W, BUS 462W, BUS 464W, BUS 468W, BUS 472W, BUS 481W, BUS 482W

For course numbers ending with a "W", see the Laurier calendar.

It is recommended that students take an introductory Economics course in Year One or Two.

Note: All Laurier Business courses require one of AFM 131 or BUS 111W and BUS 121W (see Laurier calendar) as prerequisites.

International Development Option

The International Development Option is available to all undergraduate students in the Faculty of Environment, except for students in the International Development Honours plan.

The requirements of the Option are six courses (five core and one elective) with a minimum overall cumulative average of 65% and the completion of a Community Service Experience.

Required Courses

Five Courses:

INDEV 100, INDEV 101, INDEV 200, INDEV 300 and one of INDEV 302 or INDEV 308

Elective Courses

One of: ERS 404, GEOG 426, GEOG 461, GEOG 462ERS 372

Community Service Experience Requirement

The International Development Option requires the completion of a pre-approved community service experience or educational seminar focused on community development issues of at least three weeks duration in Canada or internationally. Pre-approval is required by the International Development Field Placement Coordinator (INDEV FPC). This requirement must be organized by the student with support from the INDEV FPC and is to be completed at the student's own expense. Co-op work terms that meet the above description will normally qualify for the requirement.

Knowledge Integration Option


†Many undergraduate ethics courses will satisfy this requirement. To confirm a specific course, please contact the Undergraduate Advisor in the Department of Knowledge Integration.

††Most undergraduate courses on Statistics or Research Methods required for the student's major plan will satisfy this requirement. To confirm a specific course, please contact the Undergraduate Advisor in the Department of Knowledge Integration.

‡Up to three INTEG-labelled courses, other than those listed as Required Courses, may be used to satisfy this requirement.


The Knowledge Integration Option is open to University of Waterloo undergraduate students, with appropriate approval of their home Department, who wish to obtain some integrative skills and knowledge.

The requirements for the Option are eight courses (four core and four elective) with a minimum overall cumulative average of 65%.

Required Courses

Four Courses:

INTEG 120, INTEG 121, INTEG 220, INTEG 221

Elective Courses

Four Courses:

One non-INTEG course at the 200 level or above, from outside the student's home faculty

Three of: PHIL 145, SPCOM 223, a course in ethics, a course in statistics or research methods††, non-required INTEG-labelled courses

Note: The courses listed above may have prerequisites. It is the student's responsibility to satisfy the requirements or otherwise obtain permission to enroll.

Parks Option

The Parks Option is available to all students in the Faculty of Environment.

The requirements for the Option are eight courses (four core and four elective) with a minimum overall cumulative average of 65%.

Required Courses

Four courses:

ENVS 200, ENVS 334/REC 334, ENVS 433/REC 433 or ENVS 444/REC 437, REC 230

Elective Courses 

Four of the following courses: ENVS 201, ENVS 433/REC 433, ENVS 444/REC 437ERS 215 , ERS 383/BIOL 383, ERS 454GEOG 102 or SCI 250, GEOG 323/REC 383, GEOG 333/REC 333, GEOG 356, GEOG 368/PLAN 341, GEOG 405PLAN 340, REC 280, REC 316, REC 416, REC 425/PLAN 414  

Tourism Option


*Recommended elective course


The Tourism Option is available to any University of Waterloo student who meets the required prerequisites of their Faculty. The Option is designed for students specializing in tourism impacts, tourism planning, tourism marketing, heritage, and outdoor recreation.

The requirements for the Option are eight courses (three core and five elective) with a minimum overall cumulative average of 65%.

Required Courses 

Three courses:

GEOG 233, REC 280, REC 383/GEOG 323

Elective Courses

Five of the following: ANTH 348, ECON 220, ENGL 208M, ENVS 433/REC 433, GEOG 202, GEOG 319/PLAN 320, GEOG 333/REC 333, GEOG 426, REC 215, REC 380, REC 425/PLAN 414, REC 480*

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
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200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567