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The Undergraduate Calendar



School of Architecture: Honours Bachelor of Architectural Studies

Co-operative System of Study

Objectives of the Work Term

The Co-operative work terms are designed to provide students with knowledge of present day practice in architecture and to allow them to acquire skills essential for the practice of architecture. The School encourages students to acquire a wide range of work experience, including international placements.

Work opportunities are available in private architectural firms, construction and development companies, public agencies, corporations, design-related enterprises, and research institutes. Drafting and computing skills, methods of construction, division of sub-trades, construction supervision, real problem solving, and the disciplines of time and money are some of the specific areas of knowledge normally acquired through Co-op.

At the completion of the work terms the student who has taken full advantage of the opportunities offered will have a thorough understanding of the current methods and procedures used in the design and construction of a building, and sufficient ability and the maturity and judgment to assume responsibility for any medium-sized building project.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567