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The Undergraduate Calendar



School of Architecture: Honours Bachelor of Architectural Studies

Regulations, Examinations and Promotions


Standing in an individual subject is determined by combining the marks assigned for course work with those obtained in the final examination. For the purpose of grading, the University Grading System described in The University of Waterloo - General Information section of the calendar will be used. The number grade system is used in the calculation of averages in the School of Architecture. The unit weighting of courses is also taken into consideration in average calculations.

To be considered in satisfactory standing in the Honours Program, a student must maintain a cumulative overall average of at least 70%. If an Honours candidate's average falls below the prescribed minimum, the individual can be given conditional standing, and the academic decision, “Proceed on Probation” for two consecutive academic terms if, in the opinion of the Examinations and Promotions Committee, the person can attain Honours standing before graduation.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567