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The Undergraduate Calendar



Arts Academic Plans

Classical Studies

Honours Classical Studies

Continuation in these academic plans requires a cumulative average of 60% and a cumulative Classical Studies average of 75%.

Eligibility for graduation in the Honours Classical Studies or Honours Classical Studies - Languages Specialization academic plan includes successful fulfillment of the following requirements:

  1. Appropriate Program-level requirements. See Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements.
  2. Classical Studies Plan-level requirements:
    • In the Classical Studies academic plan, at least ten academic course units (20 courses) in Classical Studies with a minimum cumulative average of 75%, including:
    • In the Classical Studies - Languages Specialization academic plan, at least ten academic course units (20 courses) in Classical Studies with a minimum cumulative average of 75%, including:


  1. Students considering graduate work are strongly encouraged to pursue more than the minimum number of language courses; the Languages Specialization option is a good choice for those intending to pursue their studies beyond the Bachelor of Arts level. All students in Classical Studies may take more Latin and Greek courses than the prescribed minimums. The decision whether to graduate in Classical Studies or in Classical Studies - Languages Specialization may be left until registration in the final year.
  2. A central requirement for all Honours degrees in Classical Studies is that of one unit worth of senior-level work. This senior requirement may be met in one of the following ways, and a grade of 72% or higher must be achieved:
    • Two regular senior seminars (CLAS 486), worth 0.5 unit each.
    • With the prior approval of the Department, a student may write a Senior Honours Thesis, CLAS 490A/CLAS 490B worth 1.0 unit.
    • Under exceptional circumstances, and only with the prior approval of the Department, a student may combine one regular senior seminar with 0.5 unit worth of Directed Study work (see CLAS 492).

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567