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Faculty of Arts

Arts Academic Regulations and Advice

Appeal Procedures

Students may appeal the finding or penalty from decisions made under Policy 33 - Ethical Behaviour, Policy 70 - Student Petitions and Grievances, or Policy 71 - Student Discipline by completing a Notice of Appeal.

A decision may be appealed only when a student is able to establish that:

  1. there was a fundamental procedural error seriously prejudicial to the student; or
  2. there was clear evidence of bias in a hearing or decision; or
  3. significant new information relevant to the case that was not available through diligence prior to the decision has been discovered; or
  4. inadequate weight was given to the evidence provided; or
  5. the severity of the penalty imposed exceeds the nature of the offence for reasons identified by the student;
  6. and the outcome of the case at the original hearing might have been substantially affected by any of the above circumstances.

Dissatisfaction with University policy or ignorance or neglect of published deadlines is not a sufficient ground for appeal.

Sound decisions shall not be overturned on the basis of technicalities which did not materially affect the decision.

The following matters cannot be appealed:

  • academic: admission; readmission; course, program, or degree requirements; petitions. All such decisions at the department/school or Faculty level are final.
  • non-academic: those decided by a licence-holder (e.g., alcohol related) or by the University of Waterloo Police; and matters of fees, contracts, or agreements (e.g., Food Services Meal Plan).

See Students Appeals Policy (University of Waterloo Policy #72) for more details.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567