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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Arts

About the Faculty of Arts


Waterloo Arts is committed to education and scholarship in the humanities, social sciences, languages and cultures, and the fine and performing arts for the benefit of the people of Ontario, of Canada, and of the world beyond our borders. The education students receive in the Faculty of Arts, including its federated university and affiliated university colleges, offers them the tools and skills they need to succeed in today's diverse and changing world, while empowering them intellectually with the rich tradition of ideas and techniques of understanding that shape cultures and civilizations. The Faculty is a community dedicated to producing research of high academic merit and impact. The driving force behind all our work is a deep commitment to curiosity, creativity, and the desire to understand - and engage - the world.

The Faculty of Arts is governed by the policies, rules, and regulations set out in The University of Waterloo - General Information section of this calendar.

Arts Opportunities for Non-Arts Students

Arts offers many opportunities to students enrolled in other faculties of the University for Arts-based plans. Categories are listed below and their descriptions are found elsewhere:

  • Concurrent Bachelor of Arts (BA)
  • Joint Honours
  • Minors in Arts disciplines

Further Information

For further information, please visit the Faculty of Arts website. Additional information may also be found at each of the four affiliated and federated colleges:

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567