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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

School of Public Health and Health Systems


The School of Public Health and Health Systems offers two undergraduate degree programs, the Honours Bachelor of Science, Health Studies, and the Honours Bachelor of Health Promotion.

Honours Bachelor of Science, Health Studies

The Honours Bachelor of Science, Health Studies provides students with an integrated curriculum that combines the behavioral, biological, social and health sciences in the examination of contemporary problems in disease prevention and health care systems. The program explores the causation and prevention of diseases that contribute significantly to disability and premature death, increased medical and social costs, and reduced quality of life.  Of primary interest is the role of personal risk factors and societal determinants of the health of individuals and populations throughout the life span. Special emphasis is placed on the prevention of major chronic conditions which have modifiable risk factors - these include coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes, drug and alcohol dependency, sexually transmitted diseases, dementia, mental illness, and other disabling conditions. The inclusion of methodology courses in statistics, research design, program evaluation, and epidemiology allow students to acquire the analytical skills necessary to pursue challenging careers in the development, management, and evaluation of health services, or related careers.

Additional qualifications may be gained through the Pre-Health Professions Specialization for those students intending to pursue careers in medicine or other health professions, or through the Health Research Specialization for those students planning health research careers or further studies at the graduate level.

Honours Bachelor of Health Promotion

The Honours Bachelor of Health Promotion examines the determinants of health such as the social, cultural, political, economic and geographic conditions and how they play a pivotal role in individual and population health, and also provides an opportunity to integrate this knowledge outside the classroom through placements in the community.  This degree provides the skills needed to address these determinants of health, and to take action to improve health and address health inequalities through policy, education, marketing, mediation, advocacy, and community development.

Options and Minors

For students interested in issues related to aging, the school offers a Minor in Gerontology and an Option in Aging Studies.  These plans provide an awareness of aging processes and prepare students for careers or professions that deal with the institutional care or community support of older adults.

The school also offers a Health Informatics Option. Health informatics is a multidisciplinary field that deals with the generation, dissemination, storage, and use of health information for problem-solving and decision making. Several other minors (e.g., biology, human resources management, management sciences) may be selected to further develop individual interests and career goals.

Diploma in Gerontology

The Diploma in Gerontology is available to those students who would like some training in gerontology but are not able to complete all the requirements of an undergraduate degree. It is also available to those students who have already completed an undergraduate degree but would like to obtain a better understanding of aging phenomena.

Career Opportunities for Graduates

Graduates from the school may expect to find employment in the public sector through the federal, provincial, and regional health agencies; in school, hospital, and institutional health centres and through community health organizations.  In the private sector, employment opportunities are found in the voluntary health organizations, in health management consulting, and in health-related industries such as pharmaceuticals, medical products, and health services. Graduates may also pursue further studies in health promotion, medicine, biomedical research, gerontology, public health, health administration, environmental health, epidemiology, education, and related fields.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567