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Upper-Year Scholarships and Awards

Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Upper-Year Scholarships

A limited number of upper-year scholarships in varying amounts are made available each year. Scholarships are based on academic achievement in the previous year. These scholarships are supported through donations from faculty, staff, and retirees to the Senate Scholarship Fund.

John Buchholzer Award

The John Buchholzer Award is awarded annually in October to a senior Recreation and Leisure Studies student in her/his final year, or a graduate of the Spring Convocation of that year. The award is intended to recognize a student who has faced a major personal challenge, but exhibits the determination to graduate. Some examples include, but are not limited to, the following: physically challenged, mature student, single parent. The recipient will have their name added to a plaque.

Kaiulani Carr Award

The Kaiulani Carr Award is awarded annually to a senior Recreation and Leisure Studies student in recognition of superior contribution, academically, professionally, and personally, to the Department, Faculty, and student body. Selection is based on academic standing, other evidence of scholarship, involvement in student life, professional involvement, and other personal factors. The recipient will have their name added to a plaque.

Robert A. Fern Memorial Award

One award, valued at up to $400, will be made to a senior undergraduate or graduate student in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies who has made a significant contribution in either volunteer work with persons with disabilities or applied research which has relevance to the lives of persons with disabilities. Interested third- and fourth-year undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply by November 1. This award honours the memory of Robert A. Fern, an employee of Parks Canada and the Department of Canadian Heritage, who was recognized world wide as a leader in advancing accessibility and participation by persons with disabilities in all aspects of society.

Mark Forster Memorial Award

An award, valued at up to $500, was established by friends, relatives, and classmates of Mark Cameron Forster, BSc, in recognition of his contributions to the Kinesiology and Athletics programs at the University of Waterloo. The award will be presented annually to a third- or fourth-year Kinesiology student who has achieved a minimum 75% average, has participated in varsity athletics, has a high level of involvement in the athletics program and has contributed to the Kinesiology program as a Kinesiology Student Association member or through other activities. Applications must be submitted by November 1st each year.

Andrea Fraser Memorial Award

This endowment fund was established by classmates and friends in memory of Andrea Louise Fraser, BSc. One or more awards, valued at $500 each, are presented to third- or fourth-year Kinesiology students who hold a minimum average of 75%, show a special interest in rehabilitation, and are widely involved in class and athletic endeavours. Applications must be submitted by November 1 each year.

Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarship

A scholarship, valued at up to $750, is awarded annually to a Health Studies or Kinesiology student enrolled in third or fourth year. Selection is based on academic achievement. Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated interest in heart-related research. Applications should be submitted during 3A, 3B, or 4A by November 1 each year.

Howard and Ilma Green Scholarship

A scholarship, valued at up to $1,000, is awarded annually to an outstanding undergraduate student enrolled in Year Two, Three or Four of the Kinesiology program in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences. This fund is made possible by donations from Howard Green and friends in honour of Howard Green’s retirement.

Kate Kenny Memorial Award

This award has been established in loving memory of Kate Kenny. The award, valued at up to $200, is presented annually to a third- or fourth-year full-time Kinesiology student intent on specializing in chiropractic health care. Students who have an interest in chiropractic health care, who have shown a unique desire to help others through participation as a varsity trainer or other related experience, and who have demonstrated leadership as evidenced by involvement in university extracurricular activities and student organizations may apply. Applications should be submitted by November 1 each year.

Warren Lavery Memorial Scholarship

One scholarship, valued at up to $1,000, is awarded annually in memory of Warren Lavery a first-year Kinesiology student who excelled both academically and in extracurricular activities. Full-time undergraduate Kinesiology students who have completed first year with a minimum overall average of 83% are invited to apply in second year by November 1. The successful candidate will also have demonstrated a strong interest and/or accomplishment in extracurricular activities with a strong emphasis on athletics and will have demonstrated leadership qualities through involvement in extracurricular activities within the University.

Lois Matthews Scholarship for the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

Three scholarships, valued at up to $800 each, are awarded annually to the full-time students with the highest overall cumulative academic average (minimum 80%) at the completion of Year Two; one in each of Honours Health Studies, Honours Kinesiology, and Honours Recreation and Leisure Studies.

Ron May Memorial Award

An award, valued at up to $750, has been established in memory of Ron May, a member of the first Honours Co-op Recreation Class of 1973. This award is given annually to a third- or fourth-year Honours Recreation and Leisure Studies student, Co-op or Regular, who has maintained a minimum B average and who is involved in, or has contributed to, intramural athletics and has demonstrated interest and involvement in community recreation and sport activities. Applications should be submited by November 1 each year.

“Proudly She Marched” – Jocelyn Cowan Scholarship

A scholarship, valued at $1,000, is provided annually to an outstanding student enrolled in third- or fourth-year of the Health Studies program in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences or the Biomedical Sciences program in the Faculty of Science who intends to pursue a career in medicine.  Preference will be given to candidates who have a record of health-care related extracurricular or volunteer involvement.  Preference will also be given to female candidates.  Interested students are to submit an application by October 1st.  This scholarship is funded by the Canadian Federation of University Women Kitchener-Waterloo Charitable Fund (CFUW K-W Charitable Fund) from the proceeds of the sale of the two-volume “Proudly She Marched:  Training Canada’s World War II Women in Waterloo County” which was written and published by CFUW K-W to raise awareness of the significant contributions of women veterans to the history of Canada, and through a bequest from the late Jocelyn Cowan’s family.  As a young woman, Jocelyn attended medical school in Manitoba before moving to Waterloo.  Over the years she was an active and strong supporter of CFUW K-W as well as one of the founding members of the CFUW K-W Charitable Fund.

Recreation Undergraduate Honours Thesis Award

This award was established by the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies to encourage high calibre students to consider undertaking an honours thesis, and to assist in providing financial support for some of the research expenses incurred. The award is available to students enrolled in REC 471A or 471B and may be applied for in any term. Applicants must submit a proposal describing their research topic, method of data collection, budget for research expenses, and an explanation as to how the money would assist in conducting the research. An amount of $200 is available annually to award to one or more students who meet the criteria.

Michael T. Sharratt Award

An award, valued at $500, is presented annually to an undergraduate student enrolled in Year Three or Four in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences who has achieved a minimum overall average of 75% and who has demonstrated their involvement in sports and physical activities and volunteer efforts in the community. Interested students should submit an application by November 1. This fund is made possible by donations honouring Michael T. Sharratt's term as Dean of Applied Health Sciences from 1998-2005.

Marion J. Todd Memorial Award

One award, valued at $500, is presented annually to a full-time, Honours Co-operative Health Studies student entering third or fourth year. Selection will be based on a minimum overall average of 75% and demonstrated interest in health research as evidenced by work-term experience or other related activities. Preference will be given to female applicants. This award has been established in memory of Marion Todd (BSc 1974) who was working as an epidemiologist at Health Canada at the time of her death. Applications should be submitted during the 3A, 3B, or 4A terms by November 1 each year.

Pat Wainwright Health Studies Honours Thesis Award

One award, valued at $100, is presented annually to a fourth-year Honours BSc student in the School of Public Health and Health Systems who has been identified as having completed a BSc Honours Thesis of exceptional quality in that academic year. This award recognizes the contributions of Professor Pat Wainwright, who as a faculty member and former department Chair, has served as a valued academic mentor for many of the department's undergraduate and graduate students.

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Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
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