The following awards are for undergraduate students who plan to participate in an international study, work, or volunteer experience. Selection may be based on academic achievement, leadership, and/or financial need. Specific criteria are noted in each award description along with any Faculty or program restrictions. These awards are intended to assist students with the higher costs associated with travel, living, or educational expenses while participating in the international experience. Conversely, some awards are intended to provide support during or following an international volunteer experience. Students should consult the Student Awards & Financial Aid website for current deadlines and application forms.
Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University Travel Award
The Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has established a fund to assist University of Waterloo students who are approved to participate in a study abroad program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem or the Rothberg International School and who have demonstrated financial need. Undergraduate and graduate students in all faculties and programs, who are in good academic standing, are invited to apply. Candidates must be Canadian Citizens or permanent residents and have lived in Ontario for the entire 12-month period prior to beginning their post-secondary education. Awards range in value from $1,000 - $15,000, depending on the length of the experience and the level of financial need. Interested students should apply in the term prior to departure.
M. Chandrashekar Memorial Fellowship for Pacific Rim Exchange Students
This fellowship has been established in memory of the late M. Chandrashekar, who had an abiding interest in co-operation between the University of Waterloo and countries in Asia. Undergraduate Engineering students who participate in one of the active exchange programs between the University of Waterloo and overseas engineering schools in countries of the Pacific Rim region (including Australia and New Zealand) are eligible for the fellowship. Recipients must be on the Dean's Honours list prior to the exchange and before receiving the fellowship. The value of the award is $2,000. At most, one fellowship will be awarded each year. Applications are due on September 15 each year.
JR Coutts International Experience Awards
Several awards, valued at $1,500 to $2,500 each, are available each year to undergraduate students in any Faculty who wish to participate in an international experience including an academic exchange, a study term related to academic requirements, or a minimally-paid or volunteer work placement. These awards are intended to support students who are travelling to a country that they are not familiar with, thereby broadening their international experience. Selection is based on strong academic achievement (minimum 75% overall average), and on the nature and location of the experience. A portion of the awards may be awarded to students pursuing a “students without borders” initiative in a developing country. These awards are selected only once per year. Interested students planning an international experience during the upcoming Spring, Fall or Winter terms, are invited to submit an application by March 15th.
Drysdale Beyond Borders Travel Bursary
Bursaries, totaling up to $2,000, are awarded annually to undergraduate students participating in the Beyond Borders Program at St. Jerome’s University. Based upon demonstrated financial need and satisfactory academic standing, one or more students can benefit from this bursary fund. Eligible students registered at the University of Waterloo or any of its affiliated University Colleges may submit an application by March 15th. The application and more details about the program can be found at This fund is made possible by a donation from the Drysdale Family in reflection of their commitment to ongoing experiential learning and their interest in international learning opportunities.
Ron Eydt Travel Award
Undergraduate students who participate in one of the approved full-time exchange programs between the University of Waterloo and other universities may be eligible for financial assistance through the Ron Eydt Travel Award. Students must apply in the term preceding their departure. Students must have demonstrated University of Waterloo student leadership and campus involvement, have maintained a minimum B overall average, and must demonstrate financial need. A portion of the funds is restricted to students who have resided in Ontario for 12 months prior to the beginning of their post-secondary education. Interested students should apply in the term prior to departure.
Faculty of Environment Alumni Academic Travel Award
Four awards, valued at $500 each, are awarded annually to undergraduate students enrolled in Year Three or Four in the Faculty of Environment who have been accepted to study abroad on an official academic exchange agreement. Interested students are required to submit an application as well as an essay on their exchange destination by June 1st. Recipients of other major University of Waterloo educational travel awards are not eligible. This fund is made possible by a donation from the Faculty of Environment Alumni.
Faculty of Science Foundation Educational Travel Award
The Faculty of Science Foundation offers awards to undergraduate students in Science who participate in an international exchange program. Up to four awards, valued at $500 each, are available every academic year. Application forms are available in the Science Undergraduate Office, ESC 253, and are due by March 15th.
Sandford Fleming Foundation Exchange Scholarships
Up to six scholarships, valued at $800 each, are awarded each fall to undergraduate Engineering students who participate in one of the exchange programs between the University of Waterloo and overseas engineering schools. Recipients must be on the Dean's Honours list or have other high academic standing prior to the exchange and before receiving the scholarship. Applications are due on September 15 each year and will be awarded through the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office.
Harrison International Experience Award
An award has been established by University of Waterloo alumna Judith Harrison and her husband Gary. Full-time students in any program who are qualified to participate in one of the University of Waterloo's approved international exchange or study abroad programs are eligible to apply. Selection will be based on demonstrated financial need and leadership ability as evidenced by involvement in on-campus and community extracurricular activities. Candidates must be Canadian citizens who have lived in Ontario during the entire 12-month period prior to beginning their post-secondary education.
Dr. F. Hecker Exchange Scholarship
The Dr. F. Hecker Exchange Scholarship is an annual award given by the Sandford Fleming Foundation to an outstanding undergraduate Engineering student at the University of Waterloo, who is participating in one of the Faculty's student exchange programs. It honours the contribution of Dr. Hecker of Technische Universtat Braunschweig, who distinguished himself by his dedication to the exchange program, and in the particular care he took of Waterloo participants. The value of the award is $1,000. Applications are due on September 15 each year.
Winifred Hewetson Awards in Community and World Service
One or more awards, valued at approximately $1,000 to $1,500, have been established by the Carold Institute for the Study of Citizenship in Social Change in honour of Winifred Hewetson, to assist students who complete a work term in the service of others locally, nationally, or abroad with little or no remuneration. Funds would not be used to provide any co-op salary, rather to assist students in paying their subsequent term's tuition. Preference will be given to students who have completed a work term at an organization that engages in public advocacy. Information and applications are available through the Office of the Associate Dean of Arts, Arts Special Programs.
C. D. Howe Memorial Foundation Bursary for International Trade
Bursaries, valued at up to $2,000 each, are awarded annually to undergraduate students enrolled in Year Three or Four of the International Trade Specialization in the Faculty of Arts who are interested in participating in an international work or study experience. Candidates must be in good academic standing and have a demonstrated financial need. Interested students should apply in the term prior to departure. This fund is made possible by a donation from the C. D. Howe Memorial Foundation to recognize Mr. Howe's significant contributions to Canada's economic prosperity.
International Experience Bursary
A bursary fund has been established honouring Peter Hopkins, former Associate Provost, Student Affairs, upon his retirement from the University of Waterloo. The bursary will provide financial assistance to full-time students who are academically qualified for participation in one of the University of Waterloo's approved international exchange or study abroad programs, and who have demonstrated financial need. Candidates must have lived in Ontario during the entire 12-month period prior to beginning their post-secondary education.
David Johnston International Experience Awards
Several awards will be provided annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students in any Faculty who wish to participate in an international experience, including a minimally-paid or volunteer international co-op work placement, a volunteer placement, an academic exchange or a study term related to academic requirements. Awards are valued at $2,500 - $10,000 and will be given on the basis of academic achievement and the location and duration of the international experience. Students in any Faculty, in good academic standing (normally a minimum 70% average at the undergraduate level; normally a minimum 75% average at the graduate level), who are planning to participate in an international experience are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to students who will be travelling to an unfamiliar country where they will experience a different culture in a new learning environment. Award selection will take place once per term. Students should apply as soon as they are able to confirm the details of their intended experience by one of the following deadlines: July 15, November 15, or March 15. These awards were established through the generous support of donors in honour of former Waterloo President David Johnston as a lasting tribute to his 11-year service to this university and in recognition of his passion for international opportunities for students.
Kavelman-Fonn Foundation International Experience Award
This award program has been established to nurture global citizens by supporting Waterloo students who volunteer for a humanitarian work experience in a developing country. It is hoped that these awards will help to create the next generation of globally-minded leaders who will work productively in international and cross-cultural environments. Approximately 20-30 awards, valued at up to $2,500-$10,000 each, are available annually for undergraduate students in any faculty who participate in an international volunteer experience, an international co-op work term providing little or no remuneration, or an international field placement required for degree completion - any of which are humanitarian in nature. Candidates must have a minimum overall average of 75%. Preference will be given to students who will be working in a developing country. Experiences located in the USA are not normally eligible for funding under this program. Preference will also be given to students who have financial need. The value of the award will be based on the length and type of the experience (minimum eight weeks). Interested students should apply by the following deadlines: Spring term – March 15, Fall term – July 15, Winter term – November 15.
W.W. King Exchange Fellowships
Undergraduate Engineering students who participate in one of the active exchange programs between the University of Waterloo and overseas engineering schools are eligible for financial assistance through the W.W. King Exchange Fellowship. Recipients must be on the Dean's Honours list prior to the exchange and before receiving the fellowship. The maximum amount per student is $500. Applications are due on September 15 each year.
Kothari Family International Experience Award
One award, valued at up to $2,000, is awarded annually to an undergraduate student enrolled in Year Two, Three or Four in the Faculty of Engineering who is participating in an international study or work experience, who has achieved a minimum overall average of 75% and who has a demonstrated financial need. Interested students should submit an application by November 15th.
Manulife Financial Community and World Service Awards
Co-op students in the Faculty of Arts who complete a work-term in the service of others locally, nationally, or abroad with little or no remuneration are eligible to apply for these awards, valued up to approximately $1,500. Information and applications are available through the Office of the Associate Dean of Arts, Arts Special Programs.
Nantes/Chicoutimi Celebration Awards
Two awards, valued at $1,000, for Nantes exchange students and one award valued at least $500 for Chicoutimi exchange students, are awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in Year Three in the Department of French Studies in the Faculty of Arts who are in good academic standing and who have a demonstrated financial need as determined by uWaterloo. To be considered, students must submit an application by July 15th.
Neufeld-Oberle Memorial Award
This fund has been established in memory of Henry Neufeld and Thomas Oberle by their children to provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who participate in an international exchange program offered by the University of Waterloo, or the university colleges, who have demonstrated financial need. Awards vary in value from $500 to $2,500.
Provost's International Volunteer Award
A limited number of awards, valued at up to $2,500 each, are available to undergraduate students in any faculty who participate in an international volunteer work experience or an international co-op work term providing little or no remuneration. Selection will be based on academic achievement combined with the nature and scope of the volunteer experience. Preference will be given to students who will be travelling to an unfamiliar country where they will experience a different culture in a new learning environment. Interested students should apply by the following deadlines: Spring term – March 15, Fall term – July 15, Winter term – November 15.
School of Accounting and Finance Mainland China Co-op Awards
Two awards, valued at $5,000 each, are provided annually to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in Year Three or Four of Accounting and Financial Management, Computing and Financial Management, Mathematics/Chartered Accountancy, or Biotechnology/Chartered Accountancy in the
Faculties of Arts, Mathematics or Science, who have been matched with a major international accounting firm in mainland China. Selection will also be based on participation in extracurricular activities and a personal letter indicating why an international co-op work-term is important to the candidate. Interested students must submit an application and to Student Awards & Financial Aid by July 31. This fund is made possible by a donation from an anonymous alumnus with a passion for international travel and work, who wishes to provide opportunities for students to work abroad and learn from this valuable experience, similar to the donor.
Scotiabank International Development Placement Award
Awards, valued at up to $2,000 each, are granted annually to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in fourth year of the International Development program in the Faculty of the Environment to assist with the costs associated with a mandatory, eight-month overseas placement. Selection will be based on academic achievement and financial need. Preference will be given to students completing a placement in countries where Scotiabank does business. Through this generous donation, Scotiabank is making a highly visible and strategically significant investment in a sustainable future for Canada and the world.
Universal Electronics International Trade Travel Award
An annual award, valued at $500, is presented to a full-time, undergraduate student registered in Arts and Business Co-op, International Trade Specialization on the basis of academic achievement.
University of Waterloo Community and World Service Awards
Co-op students in the Faculty of Arts who complete a work-term in the service of others locally, nationally, or abroad with little or no remuneration are eligible to apply for these awards, valued up to approximately $1,500. Information and applications are available through the Office of the Associate Dean of Arts, Arts Special Programs.
University of Waterloo International Experience Awards
Several awards, valued at $2,500 each, are available annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students who participate in an international experience, including a minimally-paid or volunteer international co-op work placement, a volunteer placement, an academic exchange or a study term related to academic requirements. Students in any Faculty, in good academic standing (minimum 70% overall average), who are planning to participate in an international experience are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to students with financial need who will be travelling to an unfamiliar country where they will experience a different culture in a new learning environment. Award selection will take place once per term. Students should apply as soon as they are able to confirm the details of their intended experience by one of the following deadlines: July 15, November 15, or March 15.
Douglas T. Wright Award
This award program was established in 1993 by members of the University community to honour Douglas T. Wright upon his retirement as President of the University and to recognize his contribution to the University's international reputation. Three awards, valued at up to $1,500 each, are available annually to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in second-, third- or fourth-year of any program who have participated in a University of Waterloo international co-op work placement. Candidates must have distinguished themselves during the international placement by achieving a work-term evaluation of "outstanding”, and may have demonstrated his/her leadership qualities through extracurricular activities. A minimum overall average of 75% is required. Interested students are to apply in the term they return to full-time study at the University of Waterloo. Application deadlines are February 15, June 15, and October 15 each year.
Provincial and federal aid policies state that scholarships, awards, and bursaries provided to students receiving provincial and/or federal student aid, could reduce funding entitlements. Please contact Student Awards & Financial Aid if further clarification is required.