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Faculty of Environment

About the Faculty of Environment

Examinations and Standings

The following regulations govern the practice of the Faculty of Environment concerning final examinations, standing, and make-up examinations. These regulations also apply to part-time students and special plans. Further details concerning University Examination Regulations can be found in the "Examination Regulations and Related Matters" document.

Final Examinations

A student who defaults a final examination, except for a properly certified reason, shall have no make-up examination privileges.

A student may be eligible for make-up examinations or other accommodations as decided between the student and the instructor, when an exam is missed due to documented extenuating circumstances. If a student fails to write a final examination for medical reasons, a completed University of Waterloo Verification of Illness form, or a Medical Doctor's certificate covering the same information requested on the illness form, including the precise period of illness, must be provided to the instructor within 48 hours of the examination date. In addition, the student must have satisfied all course work requirements prior to the exam.

Petitions, Re-assessments, and Appeals

A petition involves instances where a student seeks relief from normal Faculty or University rules and regulations. A student can obtain a Petition form. Appropriate supporting documentation must accompany all petitions.

A student who believes that the grade received in an examination, essay, or other piece of academic work is unreasonable, can initiate a request for re-assessment. The first step in this process is for the student to approach the course instructor and attempt to resolve the matter informally. This step must take place within one month of the notification of the grade. If the problem cannot be resolved, the student may submit a Notice of Reassessment Challenge to the Faculty's Associate Dean Undergraduate Studies. Submission of the notice is due within ten working days of receiving the decision from the instructor or within ten working days of when the response was due.

A student who believes that an error in academic judgment or procedure has occurred may initiate a grievance by communicating directly with the individual whose action or decision is being questioned within one month of the action or of being notified of the decision or mark. If a student is not satisfied with the result of a request, he/she is encouraged to seek advice from the appropriate academic advisor or department chair, the Conflict Management and Human Rights Office or the faculty undergraduate or graduate office before proceeding with a challenge. A student who wishes to proceed to the challenge stage must deliver a Notice of Challenge to the Faculty’s Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies within ten working days of receiving the response to the request or, if there was no timely response, within ten working days of when the response was due (20 working days from the request).

At the informal and formal level, students are encouraged to seek advice and assistance from the Undergraduate Associate Dean, Assistant Registrar, University Secretariat, and/or the Student Success Office.

For more information see the Student Petitions and Grievances (University of Waterloo Policy #70).

Submission of Course Material

In situations where a student wishes to submit a body of material to satisfy the requirement of more than one course, and where the courses are concurrent, the student must notify the instructors of both courses of her/his intention so that they may each decide what is appropriate for their respective courses.

When one of the courses has been taken in a previous term, the current course instructor must be informed by the student of her/his intention of submitting the same course material. The current instructor has the final decision on the extent to which the material is allowed.

Failure to comply with the above regulation constitutes an academic offence.


A maximum of 6.5 first-year units (100-level courses) will be counted towards a Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) and Bachelor of Knowledge Integration (BKI). For other requirements, see the section for your Centre/Department/School. Normally, a lecture course has a unit weight of 0.5. Students who have passed fewer than five units will be considered Year One; those who have passed at least five but fewer than ten units will be considered Year Two; those with at least ten but fewer than 15 units, Year Three; and those with 15 or more units, Year Four.

  1. The University Grading System is used in the Faculty of Environment.
  2. Students receiving an Incomplete (INC) standing in any course will be allowed the following academic term to complete the coursework at the discretion of the instructor. If the coursework is not completed within this period the INC will automatically be converted to Failed To Complete (FTC) which equates to a grade of 32.

    The mark of In Progress (IP) may be assigned temporarily to the first half of two sequential courses (i.e., GEOG 490A and 490B). The mark indicates that the course is "In Progress" and that, when completed, a final grade will be assigned to both the "A" and "B" halves of the course (usually the same grade). Students have one year to complete a course in which an IP grade has been granted.  After one year the grade will be converted to Failed to Complete (FTC) which equates to a grade of 32.
  3. All courses taken are included in the cumulative overall average. Cumulative major averages are calculated using grades of select courses in accordance with the individual plans. See your plan section in this calendar for details. Cumulative averages, both major and overall are calculated using grades whether a course is passed or failed.

    Students in a Co-op plan are responsible for successfully completing four Work Terms, four Work Term Reports, and five Professional Development courses. See plan section for details.
  4. When a course is repeated, both grades will appear on the student's record and will be included in the calculation of the cumulative overall average. If the course is part of the major requirement, both marks will be calculated in the major cumulative average, as well.
  5. To be considered in satisfactory standing, a student must maintain:

        o a cumulative overall average of 65% for all Honours plans
        o a cumulative overall average of 60% for General Geography and Environmental Management
        o a cumulative major average of 75% for Planning and Knowledge Integration
        o a cumulative major average of 70% for all other Honours plans
        o a cumulative major average of 65% for General Geography and Environmental Management

    A student who does not maintain the prescribed overall or cumulative major average will be given a Conditional standing. Students on conditional standing are required to speak with their Academic Advisor, Academic Officer, or the Faculty Undergraduate Administrator for advice to increase the likelihood of success in the conditional term. A student who is given a Conditional standing at the end of her/his first or second term of study may choose to enroll voluntarily in the Foundation Term, with the advice of her/his academic advisor.
  6. Normally, a student receiving a conditional standing will be given the option to continue to the next term with the intent to raise her/his cumulative and major averages to meet plan requirements.

    Should the student fail to meet the academic requirements for his/her plan at the end of the conditional term, he/she will receive a Failed standing.

    Normally, an upper-year student (2A and above) who receives a Failed standing, is eligible to apply for re-admission after an absence of two consecutive academic terms. A Co-op work term immediately following a required to withdraw standing is not counted towards the two term absence.

    In rare cases, a student may experience personal, medical or other challenges that create conditions under which the student either has limited likelihood of academic success or, more generally, may not benefit from continued studies. In these exceptional cases, the School or Departmental Promotions Committee in consultation with the student and other appropriate resources may give this student Failed standing regardless of his/her cumulative average.
  7. A student who is given a Failed standing at the end of her/his second term of study, normally will be required to successfully complete the Foundation Term. A student maintains the option to withdraw for two academic terms.
  8. A student who continues in his/her studies after either a successful Foundation Term or an absence of two consecutive academic terms will have her/his record cleared; that is, grades achieved in all previous terms will not be included in the calculation of cumulative averages. Calculation of cumulative averages will begin with the Foundation Term or upon readmission after an absence of two consecutive academic terms.

    Courses taken prior to the Foundation Term or readmission will remain on the student’s official academic record. Cleared courses with grades 50% and above will contribute to the total credits required up to 10.0 units for Honours and 7.5 units for General Geography and Environmental Management students (50% of degree requirements).

    Students are allowed to have only one Foundation Term or Failed standing on their transcript while in their ENV program. Students not achieving their program averages for a second time will be unable to continue in their ENV program.
  9. Some courses which are listed under separate labels or numbers have overlapping content. Only one of these courses may be taken for credit. These are designated with notes after the course description which would indicate one of the following:
        o the courses are cross-listed;
        o the courses are listed as antireq;
        o credit will be granted only for one of a pair of courses;
        o a course was formerly designated with a different number and/or label; or
        o students should consult their Undergraduate Officer.
  10. Full-time students may be enrolled for additional or fewer courses than the normal load as required in each plan only after obtaining the approval of the appropriate Undergraduate Officer. An Undergraduate Officer may approve a maximum of 3.25 academic units per academic term. Students wishing to take 3.5 or more units in a term must file a Petition for Exception to Academic Regulation form.
  11. Generally, students wishing to graduate with a University of Waterloo Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) or a Bachelor of Knowledge Integration (BKI) undergraduate degree must spend a minimum of two years or their final year in residence (full-time on campus). This does not preclude special studies approved in advance.

Term Dean's Honours List

The Faculty awards the distinction term Dean's Honours List (DHL), in order to officially recognize students who have attained a high degree of academic excellence during a term. This distinction is awarded to selected students at the completion of each academic term and appears on Quest and on the official transcript as part of the academic decision.

To be eligible for this distinction, students must:

  1. have completed a full course load, normally 2.5 units (2.0 units for Geography and Aviation), in the term under consideration for the DHL which count in the overall average for that term;
  2. have a term overall average of 83% or higher; and
  3. have no marks of Incomplete (INC), Did Not Write (DNW), or No Mark Recorded (NMR) or failing grades in the term under consideration for the DHL.

Graduating Dean's Honours List

Students graduating with a cumulative overall average of 83% or higher and who do not have INC, DNW, or NMR on their record while enrolled in the Faculty of Environment will have the designation Dean's Honours List appear on their graduation diplomas.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567