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The Undergraduate Calendar



General Information

The Foundation Term

The Foundation Term


1 The Foundation Term is not available to students of the Engineering Faculty.
2 Some programs may require a four month hiatus before the student enters the Foundation Term.

The Foundation Term

The Foundation Term1 consists of three courses (0.5 unit each). Two courses are approved by the academic advisor for the plan in which the student wishes to continue his/her studies; normally the third course in University 101 (UNIV 101), a course that equips students with skills for study and life success.

Students who are in the Foundation Term must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Obtain a term average that meets the requirements of the intended plan of study
  • No course taken during the Foundation Term has a grade less than 60%
  • No course taken during the Foundation Term has a grade of NMR (No mark reported, no credit granted) or DNW (Did not write examination, no credit granted)
  • If a course(s) taken during the Foundation Term is awarded an INC, the student cannot continue degree studies until the course(s) is completed and all other Foundation Term requirements are met.

Failure to successfully complete UNIV 101 will result in immediate withdrawal from the University.

Failure to achieve the requirements of the intended plan of study will result in immediate withdrawal from the Faculty.

General Principles of the Foundation Term

The Foundation Term is one component of the University of Waterloo's efforts to support its students in achieving their full potential. The objectives of the Foundation Term are:

  1. To improve student experience and retention.
  2. To equip for success students who are faltering academically.
  3. To minimize, for those who do falter, the disruption to normal academic progression.2

The Foundation Term follows these principles.

  1. During a student's first or second term of study, the Foundation Term is:
    1. Optional if midterm grades indicate that the student is likely to be in academic peril. The student's academic advisor, in consultation with the Success Officer, can recommend that the student opt into the Foundation Term immediately. These students may have the option of continuing studies with a reduced course load and suggested interventions as recommended by the Success Officer, or withdrawing from that term in order to participate in the Foundation Term in a future term of study; or
    2. Mandatory for a student who would otherwise be required to withdraw.
  2. Students who do not qualify for the Foundation Term (i.e., upper year students, part-time students, etc.,) may, with the support of their academic advisor, opt to attend the Foundation Term.
  3. Students will remain in degree studies during the Foundation Term.
  4. Students entering the Foundation Term are not required to apply for re-admission unless they enter the Foundation Term after an absence of more than three terms (i.e., the student has become inactive).
  5. Students who are successful in the Foundation Term normally will have previous terms' grades cleared according to faculty practices.
  6. Students will only be allowed to participate in the Foundation Term once during their academic career at the University of Waterloo.
  7. Where it is deemed, by the Faculty, that the Foundation Term would not address the source of the academic challenges, the student may be required to withdraw from the Faculty for a period of time to resolve the barriers to success. It is recommended that appropriate resources collaborate to make the best possible recommendations for future student success.

Student Success Office

For more information about UNIV 101, refer to the Student Success Office website.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567